I can't believe I'm even writing this since my son only just turned 2. But how did you know your toddler was dropping their nap? When and how did it happen and how long did you persist with quiet time?

My son is almost 25 months and has been having a no nap day here or there for 2 months. In the past few weeks he basically never wants to nap at home. I leave him in his crib for at least 1.5 hours - he usually plays happily for an hour then starts shouting "no nap all done" and then eventually gets hysterical. But then falls asleep the minute we leave the house in the car or stroller. And, no, he is not sleeping any more at night. Less, actually. And yes, he is crabby and basically won't play by himself ever.

I know he still needs the nap because on days when he goes to school he naps like a dream for them and when he naps at home he naps 1.5+ hours.

I'm 12 weeks pregnant. This can't be happening.