nectarine / 2465 posts
My mom has serious scoliosis and wasn't able to get an epidural so she had me vaginally/med-free (all 9.5 lbs of me )
pomegranate / 3438 posts
@Mrs. Oatmeal: my mom also had an emergency c-section due to a placental abruption.
I was 8 weeks early but luckily only needed to stay in the hospital for four weeks!
pomegranate / 3706 posts
My mom went into labor a month early, the anesthesiologist made a mistake and way overdosed her on her epidural, and I was born drowsy/ sleeping.
persimmon / 1183 posts
I was born via C-section.
My mother is VERY petite so doctors said it would not be safe for her to ever deliver a child vaginally. Both my brother and I were C-section babies.
I had jaundice and underweight. My mother had PPD.
pomelo / 5607 posts
Emergency c-section for placental abruption. I believe she would have had a fairly "normal" birth with epidural had she not needed the c-section.
honeydew / 7622 posts
Vaginally, med free (due to how quickly I came out), 3.5 hours, I weighed almost 9 lbs.
clementine / 826 posts
All natural, no meds for all 4 of us. Yeah... Then when I had my two, I had 2 c-sections and she was disappointed.
bananas / 9899 posts
She was induced at 34 weeks because of preeclampsia. It was a vaginal delivery and then I had to stay in the NICU for a while. I was 4lbs. She did not have an epidural.
persimmon / 1168 posts
My mama had me in a birthing center and had an unmedicated vaginal delivery. She says she could feel me pushing my way out with my legs and my dad *claims* he caught me on the way out.
nectarine / 2466 posts
she had all 4 of us vaginally and med free. I was almost born on the side of the road, they made it with minutes to spare. All of her births were very quick.
GOLD / papaya / 10166 posts
C-section for all 3 of her kids. My sister (oldest) was breach, so all of us had to be born via c-section
nectarine / 2358 posts
She had 3 c-sections. First one (my brother) was a failed induction that turned into a section then she scheduled the other two (me, then my sister).
They completely put her out, or so they thought. When she was put under for me she was paralyzed but I guess she was one of those rare horror stories that you hear where you can't move and appear asleep, but you hear and feel everything She said she could hear herself screaming in pain in her head but her body couldn't move. She was obviously pretty traumatized. The doctors didn't believe what she was saying until she could tell them what they were all talking about and the type of music they had on. But, it's the military so they pretty much said sorry, that sucks. I was the problem child
persimmon / 1310 posts
No pain meds, vaginal birth. Some augmentation during. She shuddered when recalling my birth, but not the births of my sisters. She raved about the midwife who attended the last one (only one at a birthing center), which is part of the reason I'm seeing midwives at a birthing center also.
nectarine / 2220 posts
My mom had med-free, vaginal births for both me and my sister. She says she was in labour 9 hours with me, and 5 with my little sister. But she's a epidural enthusiast after being a birth coach for her sister who she says slept through labour, woke up and pushed. Haha.
I split the difference with a 7 hour labour, and a vaginal birth. Actually in the exact same hospital room where my sister was born. I was born the next room over.
pear / 1739 posts
Vaginally with IV pain meds. She went into labor with me during the snow storm of 91. She always tells me that ice was an inch thick on the windshield so she had to call someone with a garage to take her to the hospital. My mom went on to have my two sisters vaginally with epidurals. All her labors were fairly short. I think the longest was 6 hours. I didn't inherit her short labors. /: 11 hours for my first and 14 hours with my second. That's not counting labor before water breaking.
nectarine / 2771 posts
C-section for my older brother and repeat for me. For my brother, it was due to high maternal fever and risk of infection to baby (water broke first) and interestingly enough, that's exactly what happened to me and required me to have a c-section with LO.
coconut / 8279 posts
Vaginally w/ epidural & forceps for 7lb me. Went to hospital night before, I was born at noon next day.
For my brother, she had him within 20 minutes of arriving at the hospital (med free because there was no time for that). He was 10+lbs and broke his collarbone on the way out.
This scares me about having a second!
grapefruit / 4770 posts
@Mrs.Panda: Yikes! The military does not care. My mom said they literally laughed when she asked for an epidural, and gave her some Tylenol! My dad's professor was the OB delivering me, and my dad asked if he could deliver me, and she was like yeah sure, why not. So, she stepped back, and let my dad deliver me! I think he was in his 2nd year!?! First and last delivery lol. Although, I'd love for him to deliver LO even though he's retired now!!
grapefruit / 4923 posts
med free hospital birth. however when i was pregnant with LO she was totally in support of an epidural--didn't even think med free was a good idea! i guess moms don't like to see their children in pain, even when they're adults.
eggplant / 11716 posts
All 6 kids were medicated vaginal births.
But the "medications" were different. In the 60's, I think they gave laughing gas and other stuff (morphine?). With one older sister, they did "twilight sleep) (that is a type of medicated birth, btw) and my mom was basically completely passed out/had no memory of having my sister. I think the rest were epidurals. The first 5 of us came naturally, but very, very, quickly. I was born when my mom had only had contractions for about 30 minutes!
The 6th was a planned induction because we lived pretty far out in the country and my dad was terrified he would have to deliver the baby--so he and the doctor decided on an induction. My mom said they decided without even really asking her (but she was fine with it).
grapefruit / 4355 posts
My mom had a med free vaginal birth in the hospital with me (went into labor at 11 days past her due date - induction was scheduled for the next morning). I believe they did end up having to use forceps to get me out though.
She had med free vaginal births in the hospital with both of my younger siblings too (although both of them were inductions).
persimmon / 1096 posts
All three were unmedicated vaginal deliveries. She was in labor with me for 16 hours, and I was 7 lbs 11 oz - 8 hours with my first brother, who was 9 lbs 6 oz - 4 hours with my youngest brother, who was 9 lbs 15 oz. Nope, no thanks. Slightly worried about LO#2 because of that.
apricot / 485 posts
My mom's water broke 2 weeks before EDD and she didn't know. So it had probably been broken longer than 24hrs when they found out. She had to get pitocin. I think she asked for an epidural and they wouldn't give her one. She made it seem like they didn't like to give them much back then. They also used forceps to get me out.
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
My mom had a RCS where they knocked her out completely. Due to medical issues/problems with her last C-section (my sister was 8 weeks early and in distress) she wasn't allowed an epidural so they choose to put her to sleep and bring her out afterwards.
nectarine / 2028 posts
3 med-free births that were relatively quick. I hoped it was genetic somehow...and then I had a 30-hour labor that failed to progress and needed a rush c-section . Oh well-a healthy baby is all that matters to me!
grapefruit / 4712 posts
I was an emergency c-section after my heart rate plummeted several times due to some crazy distress. Apparently I was quite the mover and shaker while she was pregnant because I was all tangled in my cord. According to my mum I came home with a sizable dent in my arm that they failed to tell her about.
My younger brother came via VBAC. She was pretty happy about it minus my brother trying to come 2 months early. My brother and I both came between 10-14 days early.
eggplant / 11287 posts
med-free in a hospital. she had 5 kids med-free because... i don't even know why! she says that "no one really got epidurals back then," but, her oldest is only 28 so I think they did!
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
She had two very long, natural labors with both my brother and I.
pomegranate / 3375 posts
My mom gave birth to me and my sister in the hospital, unmedicated. This was in the 80's and 90's, so she went the "unpopular" route. I saw my sister's birth, and it inspired me to eventually have an unmedicated birth as well.
coconut / 8854 posts
All 3 of us were vaginal and med-free! Even my twin brother and sister! I give my mom props!
grapefruit / 4823 posts
I was 4 weeks early, after she lost her mucous plug. She said they induced labor because of it(my OB said they don't do this, so who knows). She had a saddle block(no idea what that is) and needed forceps to get me out. My brothers(I'm the oldest) were med-free hospital births
I had two c-sections
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