When I was pregnant I was really worried about how our three cats would react to DS. They're all mostly well-behaved (almost never aggressive, don't claw/scratch, friendly-ish to humans) and two of them are super dependent on DH (like they follow him from room to room and if he's not standing there's at least one of them on him). The third is...well, the best way I can describe her is friendly but stand-offish. She's very good at communicating when she wants something (like food or affection), but once she's satisfied she leaves. She's not scared of strangers, and will demand affection from them (and then drop them like a hot potato after a minute or two).

We tried doing things like putting foil under his crib sheets (didn't work), playing audio files of crying babies and bringing home the shirt and hat he wore the first day so they could smell him. As my pregnancy progressed I started limiting the amount of time they could be on my lap (which became necessary as I blew up--they used to sleep on my stomach at night) so I wouldn't be cutting them off from me cold turkey.

I shouldn't have worried. Two of the cats (the ones who are in love with DH) occasionally come up and smell DS's head, but otherwise pretty much ignore him. The third cat, who of the three was the one I was worried about, is in love with DS. She follows us from room to room and sits next to us. She butts her head against his (her means of affection). The only time of the other cats got aggressive with him (she hissed at him), Penny immediately got in front of him and hissed back at the other cat, then came over and sniffed and butted DS.

How did your pets react to your LO? Did you try to prepare them beforehand?

(My only problem with Penny is that she thinks everything we have for the baby is for her. We're constantly shooing her out of the crib, bassinet, swing, bouncer...)