Any suggestions on how to break the cycle of overtiredness? My LO is almost 6 months. I try to be mindful of her sleep and her getting naps every 2 - 3 hours...

She took a one hour nap this morning in her crib and a 30 min cat nap in the ergo while I was at the store. Two hours later I knew she was getting overtired so I put her in her crib for an afternoon nap. She screamed, played in her crib, and screamed some more for the next two hours. Out of desperation I tried the swing, holding her, rocking her, nursing her, letting her cry for up to 10 minutes, putting her back in the ergo/baby k'tan... she finally fell asleep after 4.5 hours total while nursing and woke after 20 minutes.

I guess I'm going to put her to bed one hour early tonight, I don't know what else to do?? Suggestions? So frustrating!