So some may remember all the feeding issues I've had with my daughter, but for those who don't the extremely condensed version is we had trouble feeding her from the start then went through a period of time (about a month) where she refused to eat entirely and would only eat while sleeping. Doctors ignored me and I ended up having to switch to a new ped and finally found out our LO has reflux and MSPI. When we got her on nutramigen she started eating again somewhat willingly but it was still really hard to feed her. Things have been getting slowly better over the last several months and as of a few weeks ago things were great.

Now she is having a harder time again and has started refusing some bottles. The thing is, I think that what she is doing now is probably within the realm of normal behavior for babies her age. Or at least within the realm of normal for generally fussy eaters.

But I am having insane anxiety about it. Like, keeping me up at night, crying after trying to feed her anxiety. My husband thinks I need to chill out (not his exact words) because we really don't know that there is a problem yet or that any problems are resurfacing. Basically-- don't worry until we really have something to worry about. And I do think that the level of my anxiety is unwarranted for the situation (she is still eating within the normal range of formula daily).

But it's also not entirely unwarranted either because she does have a history. And that period of time where we couldn't get her to eat was the scariest thing I've ever been through. And every time we have even a minor setback or she doesn't want to eat I immediately get pulled back to that time and just see it all falling apart again.

But my anxiety is not helpful. We're closely monitoring her eating situation but being anxious about it is really not helping her or me. So I really DO need to just chill out. But beyond telling myself to chill the f out... I don't really know how to do that. I mostly sit there and list in my head all the ways her new fussiness/occasional refusal is different than last time to prove to myself that this is just normal baby behavior and not a reoccurrence. But that only gets me so far.

For moms who have maybe been through something rough with your kid that you fear returning-- how do you keep it on the back burner? Or at least keep from driving yourself crazy over analyzing?