Our kiddo is still cooking, but, I'm starting to agonize over how to handle childcare when sweetie and I are both back at work.

I work in outpatient healthcare, theoretically on a 9-5 schedule. However, I am actually only free to leave when we're done seeing our last patient, which typically ranges anywhere from 3pm to 7:45pm depending on how the day went. I can usually make a decent guess about when I'll be off by the early afternoon, but complications and emergencies can change it up until the last patient has actually walked out of the building.

Sweetie works a funky compressed schedule -- 10am - 8pm Tuesday through Friday, plus 9am - 5pm every other Monday.

We're stumped on daycare. The overwhelming majority of centers and in-home providers have their latest pickup at 6pm, a small handful at 6:30pm.

We don't have family in the area to help, and the cost of a nanny would be really difficult for us to budget. How do other people with non 9-5 schedules make childcare work?

What am I missing bees?