I'm in a pretty niche industry and position. So jobs aren't easy to come by, and really aren't easy to come by outside of a silicon/tech area.
But we have decided we don't want to raise our kids where we are. Schools aren't good and the community is really transient. At this point all our friends have moved away except for our neighbors (who finish their program next April and will leave then).
In researching a move back home, it has become clear that our daycare is amazing and we won't find one like it or as cheap back home. Since LO 2 will be starting daycare soon, our costs would literally quadruple if we moved now. Plus, LO 1 just got used to this new daycare after the last closed and they have saved a spot for LO 2.
It is so hard to know that we want to move back home, but I'm starting to realize that maybe we need to wait just a bit longer for the sake of the kids and the budget.
So do I keep looking for jobs back home, or look locally, or even I guess stay at my current place that I'm not thrilled with? I've been pigeonholed at my current place and lost all my friends here through layoffs and better offers elsewhere, so I'd really like a new place, but I don't know if a new job when I want to leave the area is a good idea...