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How long did it take you to get pregnant?

  1. sapphire

    nectarine / 2173 posts

    9 months with basal body temping and OPKs with good timing every cycle.

  2. Bubbles

    persimmon / 1328 posts

    Both times I have got pregnant on the first cycle trying (although I'm only 11 weeks with #2). Both times I used opks and tracked cm. I think we've been very lucky and this is not the average, but I'd agree with others don't try until you're ready for it to happen!

  3. 78h2o

    grapefruit / 4441 posts

    age 34 #1 - 1 cycle (miscarriage)
    age 34 #2 - 1 cycle
    age 36 #3 - 1 cycle

    I was temping/charting with Fertility Friend and using OPKs, but I think we only had sex each time 1-2x during the fertile window.

  4. Keybee

    kiwi / 735 posts

    3 years

  5. JenGirl

    clementine / 756 posts

    It took us three months and that was right after coming off BC, which I'd been on for a decade. I used a good, old-fashioned calendar to mark the first day of my periods and we tried to have sex about every other day when I wasn't on my period.

  6. Yogini bee

    coffee bean / 32 posts

    4 cycles of trying with my first pregnancy (currently 22 weeks). Used OPKs and temping for the first three cycles and found out that I ovulate quite late (day 18/19)... Which was really useful. By the fourth cycle, I felt like charting was making me a bit stressed about it all so we just tried to dtd regularly around the right time

  7. Bea

    kiwi / 578 posts

    20 cycles + a few of NTNP. I had a timing app, opks, temping, and not once had bad timing (mostly following the Sperm Meets Egg method). DH had a normal semen analysis and my HSG showed clear tubes. The only negative we knew of was my LP was on the short end. We got pregnant on our second cycle of Clomid. Good luck! Hope y'all have a really smooth TTC journey!

  8. BlueWolverine

    pear / 1510 posts

    3 cycles for LO1
    On 13th cycle trying for #2. I'm a bit older, apparently have some fertility issues, so it may never happen.

  9. Snowybreeze

    apricot / 279 posts

    1st pregnancy: 1 month
    2nd pregnancy: we started trying as soon as my period and ovulation returned from weaning breastfeeding (after 15 months). Took four months, then ended in very early miscarriage. Then tried again and success in 3 months...so total 7 months. This is with never being on any birth control before.

  10. ineebee

    pear / 1580 posts

    2.5 years.

  11. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @Shizaz: Unless you know you have irregular cycles, I would hold off on starting with OPKs unless you're in a hurry to get KU.

    Once you start, I think there's no going back. And for me it added a whole new level of anxiety to the process. I sort of wish I'd gone a few months without them first.

  12. wrkbrk

    pomelo / 5084 posts

    @Shizaz: 2 months doing IUI.

  13. MrsADS

    nectarine / 2262 posts

    9 months. Used OPKs, temping, etc. unsuccessfully. I pushed to go to a RE before the "1 year mark" because of DH's age (40, although I am under 35). Found out he had MFI and I also had hormonal issues (short LP/low progesterone - even if the egg was getting fertilized, it wasn't going to stay put). We did Clomid + trigger shot + IUI and got pregnant the first try with that regimen. I was on BC 10 years prior to TTC and my cycles were really messed up after, thankfully that does not seem to be the case for most people (I think it was more indicative of my hormonal/fertility issues rather than the lingering effects of BC).

  14. coopsmama

    cantaloupe / 6059 posts

    First cycle both pregnancies.

  15. Ginabean3

    pomegranate / 3401 posts

    First pregnancy - 2 cycles using app
    Second pregnancy - 1 cycle using opk (ended in miscarriage)
    Third pregnancy - 1 cycle using opk

  16. Umbreon

    clementine / 854 posts

    @MaryM: Okay, I'll keep that in mind. Anxiety is definitely something I want to avoid - I tend to get anxious pretty easy. My cycles have been pretty regular, ranging from 29-33 days.

  17. travelgirl1

    cantaloupe / 6630 posts

    I have PCOS so had acupuncture and took herbs each time. For my first two pregnancies I also did cycle monitoring at a fertility clinic.

    #1 - one cycle, resulted in my daughter
    #2 - one cycle, miscarriage
    #3 - four cycles, used digital OPKS, resulted in my son

  18. fancyfunction

    grapefruit / 4085 posts

    1st - 4 cycles, and I was temping
    2nd - 2 cycles, I temped and used opk's
    Good luck!

  19. Charm54

    cantaloupe / 6885 posts

    1st - 2nd cycle
    2nd - 1st cycle

    I used fertility friend to chart and OPKs both times. I feel very fortunate it happened so quickly.

  20. Mrs. Champagne

    coconut / 8483 posts

    1st cycle both times. Second ended in MC though. Hoping we get lucky again.

  21. runnerd

    pear / 1593 posts

    #1 - 3 months OPKs (miscarriage)
    #2 - 4 months OPKs (live birth)
    #3 - 2 months App only (possible miscarriage TBD)

  22. Mamasig

    pomegranate / 3565 posts

    1st month we really tried both times. I had been off the pill about 3 months prior each time. And by really trying I mean we BD often the middle week of my cycle. I just estimated. I didn't track anything besides when my period came. You really don't have to do it often or track to get pregnant!

  23. LilSprinkles

    clementine / 778 posts

    DS was conceived on the first try.

  24. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    Ds1 3 months of active trying (opks, fertility monitor, app)

    Ds2 4 months of active trying, chemical pregnancy on cycle 2.

  25. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    I wasn't trying but I was tracking to avoid. We had a birth control "oops" one time the day before I ovulated and I got pregnant. So it can definitely happen fast!

    On the other hand, several good friends of mine were trying for 6-12 months before they got pregnant (without any intervention or anything). So it can also take a while sometimes and if it does that doesn't mean that anything is wrong!

  26. yerpie110

    nectarine / 2771 posts

    1st pregnancy: one night, resulted in dd #1
    2nd pregnancy: one night, ended in mc at 10 weeks
    3rd pregnancy: before my period returned from mc (i had no idea when i was ovulating as my cycle was all over the place post-mc), currently 22 weeks pregnant with dd #2

    You never know until you start, but be sure to be ready!

  27. sometimesshesings

    apricot / 358 posts

    LO#1-- about 18 cycles
    LO#2-- first try!

    Bodies are strange, so try to be mentally prepared for anything!

  28. 2littlepumpkins

    grapefruit / 4455 posts

    Dd: first try
    Ds: 7 active cycles over 10 months plus several of ntnp so over a year total

  29. ldh112

    kiwi / 556 posts

    i got off the pill and we got pregnant the first cycle we tried. i used the ovia fertility app for charting and bought an ovulation kit to hopefully help with accuracy in trying...

    ...and now we have a 7 week old baby girl

  30. peaches1038

    nectarine / 2047 posts

    Age 29: took two cycles with using the glow tracker app

  31. dc yoga bee

    grapefruit / 4770 posts

    I was 26 when we started trying, and it took 1 year of actively trying with opks and fertility monitor. I got pregnant at the one year mark after I had a HSG to make sure my tubes were open. This was with never having been on birth control, and testing showed no known problems.

  32. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    Feel really lucky that we got it on lucky number 3!

  33. lady baltimore

    persimmon / 1196 posts

    It took us 15 months, but a lot of that time was eaten up when my seemingly-regular cycle went off the rails.

  34. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    DD1- 1 cycle. I was using an app and it was my first cycle off of birth control in 5+ years. We planned on using NFP to get pregnant but didn't get that far.

    DD2- after 6 cycles of NTNP, I started tracking my ovulation signs with an app and using OPKs. It took only 1 cycle of legitimately TTC and trying to time our sex. So essentially 1 cycle.

    DD3-- oops (but very welcomed) while preventing

  35. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    1 month three times, 2 months once. Two of those times it was literally one try. But only one resulted in a live birth. And we're very unusual unit taking us so little effort. (3 of the times I was using opk's, but it was more out of curiosity. It made no difference in our success because I already knew by feel when I was ovulating.)

  36. MrsF

    honeydew / 7283 posts

    I was very lucky to get pregnant the first cycle with both of my children.

  37. Matcha Latte

    olive / 70 posts

    Baby #1, 9 months of bbt charting and using opk.

    Baby #2, 2 months of ntnp

  38. getjazzy

    persimmon / 1179 posts

    First cycle for each baby. Was expecting it to take longer, both times.

  39. DesertDreams88

    grapefruit / 4361 posts

    2 cycles for the first, which resulted in a miscarriage. 6 months and fertility treatments for the second BFP, currently 17 weeks along.

    I was pretty actively trying. I read Taking Charge of Your Fertility, started temping and tracking cycles 4 months before TTC, ended up tracking faithfully every day for over a year, etc. If I didn't have the knowledge base I did, I think that both conceptions would have taken a lot longer, honestly. We would have missed our fertile window a lot with my long cycles and our weekends-only sex (tmi but true!!). It was only through my knowledge that I was able to advocate for myself and get hormone testing done because of my unusual cycles. This led to a PCOS diagnosis and fertility treatments.

  40. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    2.5 years (6 months NTNP, 2 years active trying). That was with great timing, OPKs, regular cycles, BBT, and tracking cm. We had one miscarriage after 11 months (the 6 months NTNP and 5 months actively trying), and am now 11 weeks with our second pregnancy.

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