pineapple / 12053 posts
Water broke at 8:30 am with no contractions, she was born at 3:15 pm
pomelo / 5524 posts
16 hours - first contraction at 10:30pm...pushed for 2 hours and he was delivered via emergency C-section at 2:30pm.
pomegranate / 3438 posts
My water broke at 1am and DS was born at 2:55pm, so about 14 hours. But looking back I was having contractions all day the day before. I thought they were just braxton hicks! We were pretty busy that day so I just brushed them off since there wasn't a pattern to them.
pear / 1723 posts
Just shy of 11 hours from first drop of pit to delivery. I only felt contractions for the second half of that, after my water broke. Had an epi for the last 3 hours. Pushed about 15 minutes total to deliver both babies.
pear / 1895 posts
Started having cramps Thursday night. At 10:30am Friday, my contractions were 4-5 minutes apart and painful. Checked into hospital Friday night arount 10pm. Started pushing around 3:30pm on Saturday. Baby was born at 7:20 (that's 4 hours of pushing, btw). He was crowning for 45 minutes! It was awful.
pomelo / 5789 posts
First contraction -3am, water broke - 8am, emergency c section at 11pm, so 20 hours?
coconut / 8305 posts
G - 31 hours... 17 hours natural, 17 hours augmented/medicated & ended in emergency cesarean
P - 45 hours unmedicated vbac 37 hours to go from 1-4 cm, 8 hours from 4-10 cm, & 6 minutes of pushing (I also had a weeks worth of nightly "false labor" before consistent contractions started)
pear / 1616 posts
water broke at 5am, contractions started an hour and a half later, and had LO at 3:23pm so about 10.5 hours
pomegranate / 3414 posts
Induced both times so I am not really sure:
DD=induction started 8AM, she arrived 4:54PM (about 8hr)
DS=induction started 7:43AM, he arrived 10:43AM (about 4hr)
kiwi / 662 posts
I was one of the lucky ones...42.5 hours total. 32 unmedicated. I caved from shear exhaustion after not having slept for longer than 4 minutes for 55 hours I was too afraid of not having the energy to push him out when the time came. I think my decision to get the epidural very well may have saved me from a section. I'll never know!
That being said, next time will be better!
cherry / 176 posts
Start to finish about 27 hours. The first 14 were easy. Then things got painful and I got an epidural (had always been the plan) about 6-7 hours before she was born. 2 hours of pushing, but I didn't really feel pain (did feel contractions).
coconut / 8681 posts
Water broke at midnight, I had mild contractions until 8am when they started pitocin and he was born at 3:26pm. Sooo 15 hours.
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@LolaBee: Without an epidural, I could never have relaxed enough to make any progress (my contractions were double and triple stacked from all the pitocin) . . . I was on my way to a section. Too bad the epi wore off right before I started pushing!
kiwi / 662 posts
@MsLipGloss: I think probably the same in my case. I was fully effaced and +1 station at 18 hours 32 I was still only 2 cm dilated. After the epi and doc breaking my water I went to a 5 in under 30 mins. My epi wore off when I went to push as well, maybe a blessing in disguise though, it was nice knowing when/how to push!
Were you induced or did you go into labour and get augmented? Do you have your birth story posted?
GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts
Uhh cramps on a Tuesday night, mucous plug & contractions by Wednesday morning, contractions about 3 mins apart by Wednesday night, slowed Thursday afternoon, back again by Thursday night (admitted to L&D around 9pm at 8cm) and LO was born Friday morning around 6am. I had back labor and my water didn't break til I was pushing, so she took a long time to come out! (So from contractions Wednesday morning til LO was born, 2 days/48 hrs? But they did slow down a couple times during..)
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@lolabee: I was induced at 38.5 weeks (I practically had no amnio fluid left, I was super swollen and my bp was elevated). I don't have my birth story posted - I probably should write it all down somewhere so I don't forget any details!
nectarine / 2217 posts
I never experienced any braxton hicks or anything, so the very firs contractions I felt were just like cramps. I had that for 16 hours on and off -- about one contraction every 45 min to an hour. They weren't so bad, still went to a bbq party that night.
Then truly painful contractions began all of a sudden and lasted 8 hours until baby was out!
Looking back I know it was a good experience, but man those 8 hrs were killer. So much love and respect for the many women who have gone through much longer!
apricot / 359 posts
4 hours! At this rate, midwife says second baby will be either a home or car birth.
persimmon / 1147 posts
My water broke at 1:30am, pitocin induced contractions started by about 6am and she was born by 1pm so a little less then 12 hours.
pineapple / 12526 posts
My water broke at 11pm on Sunday and she was born at 7:31pm on Tuesday, so 44.5 hours!
grapefruit / 4291 posts
Waters broke at 0530 on Monday with manageable contractions, active labour established at around 11ish (I think), started pushing at midday on Tuesday, LO was born by ventouse at 1424 on Tuesday. All up, 27 hours of active labour.
I was 5cm dilated at around 2000 on Monday but labour completely stalled and despite pitocin and an epidural I was only 7cm at 0800 on the Tuesday morning. My midwife had the bright idea to flip me onto my hands and knees and I then went from 7-10cm in just thirty minutes.
As my midwife liked to remind me at least I got my vaginal birth and shouldn't ever have to go through another long labour like it!
blogger / pineapple / 12381 posts
I haven't read my birth story in a while, but I seem to recall it was around 38 hours. Don't quote me on that, but somewhere in that ball park. I would expect it would be faster with each pregnancy.
bananas / 9118 posts
Just under 8 hours from water breaking to baby out. I honestly don't remember much of it, just a big blur.
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