This was my second cycle of Clomid (50mg) and AF showed up late last night. The Clomid was prescribed by my OBGYN, not an RE because my insurance doesn't cover REs (or much in the way of infertility at all) and I can't seem to find an RE in my smallish town anyway.

My first month on Clomid, I had testing 7 dpo and my progesterone was at 56. (Prior to Clomid, it bounced around from 6-10). So my dr. said I responded great, here's a prescription for five more months of Clomid and that's that. He said to call if I get pregnant.

So, now I have 4 more months of Clomid that I could take, but I'm not sure I want to. I just feel like I'm wasting time and I'm over it. I know this is compounded by the fact February is our 2 year anniversary of TTC and I'm super emotional, but I just want to move to the next step, whatever that may be. My dr does not do anything beyond prescribing Clomid (no IUI, IVF, etc.), but I'm hoping he may have a recommendation for someone in town who will.

I'm just wondering what other people did? How many rounds of Clomid did you do? Was it the same dosage each time or did you increase? If you only did a couple cycles of Clomid, did you move on to more aggressive treatment because you weren't responding well to the meds or something else? Was it at the suggestion of your doctor or did you make the decision yourself? Thanks, I really appreciate any anecdotes about this!