Looking for a bit of support and, perhaps, some experience. After 28 cycles of ttc (and trying EVERYTHING except fertility medications... read as: scans, massage, acupuncture, acupressure, reflexology, vitamin therapy, Vitex, Myo-Inositol, and hormone tests ...), I have finally given in to the idea that I should try Clomid. I have secondary infertility without a defined cause - No PCOS, endometriosis, tubal issues, etc. The scar tissue from 2 c-sections had been surgically minimized. My OBGYN told me if I don't receive a BFP by 1 May, he would like me to try a cycle or two of Clomid. I have been hesitant to try medication due to the fact that, while I am VERY active (*note - I am a MIL spouse, have 2 children and am a former Spc Ed teacher and professor who decided to go for a degree in Exercise Science and Physiology with a NASM cert ... I've been busy for YEARS. *laughs*
), I take many medications for seizure disorder, May-thurners' with edema, and Fibromyalgia with migraines. I have researched Clomid and it's effects extensively; HOWEVER, I do not know what to expect with my cycle (normally 23 days), and when to BD (if I'm on a day 3-6 cycle VS a 5-9). I'm also wondering how many of you lovely ladies have had the dreaded "Clomid Crazies?" I really need reassurance and some information from those ladies who have "been there, done that." Thank you in advance.