I'm curious how long your LO sleeps if they are STTN. This is new territory for us, so I not sure what to expect. I know very kid is slightly different.

Our story:

I finally decided enough was enough and started to night wean my son at 15 1/2 months. We were down to one night waking, usually around 2 or 3 am, which wasn't awful, but it was ready. SO ready.

Well, it's been two weeks, and he's going about 10 hours at night., sometimes 9. Which doesn't seem like enough to me Trouble is, he is getting less sleep than before because he's going to bed a tad later at night (since he's been fighting afternoon nap time...) and then wakes up at either 5:30 or 6, and it's close enough to wake time (which used to be closer to 7...) that he thinks it's time to get up for the day. Sometimes I can get him back to sleep if I'm lucky, but the last few days, it's been no dice. If I nurse him then, it's about a 50/50 shot. I just don't want to train him to eat at that time and then think of fit as a chance to start eating at night again, ya know? But 530 is killing me...Minot a morning person!

Will he eventually learn to sleep a little bit longer, or should we try to move his bedtime around a bit? We finally got him to bed at our normal time tonight for the first time in a while, so I'm curious to see what will happen tonight....

For reference, he still does two naps, usually 90 minutes in the morning and a hour the afternoon, though he's been having trouble going done for either without me rocking him.

Ok....end novel! I just want to know if 9 or 10 hours is enough for the night, plus the two naps. I mean, that's at least 1-2 hrs less than before. And he's been a cranky pants mess the past few days.