Who have you contacted lately? How did you contact them? And why?
Who have you contacted lately? How did you contact them? And why?
cherry / 220 posts
I emailed my senators and representative asking them to oppose Betsy DeVoss, because she is grossly unqualified and I am a public school advocate.
pomelo / 5573 posts
Canadian, but I called my MP's office to ask our government to stand up against Donald Trump's ban on Muslims.
honeydew / 7504 posts
Both of my senators and my representative. I've signed a few petitions, as well - support CDC funding, public health funding, immunization funding, oppose Betsy Devos. I also sent an email separately to one of my senators to thank him for his efforts to oppose several of the cabinet picks and continue to stand in opposition to the president even when others around him aren't willing to do so. I thought it was important to acknowledge the good fight!
eggplant / 11716 posts
I have called/written senators and representatives in the past, but I've called 3 times in this last week alone. My senators and reps happen to be in line with my views, but I know it really helps the overall mission if they can take information back to the senate and say, "I've had a thousand calls about this issue just this week". So I've been trying to add to those numbers and make my voice count.
I also went to the airport protest on Saturday after I got my kids in bed, and of course I did the women's march. All of these things are only minimally helping the pit of anxiety that is happening in my stomach. But I feel better than sitting back and doing nothing and watching my country implode.
persimmon / 1233 posts
Three - both senators and my representative, about the travel restriction order. So far the senators (Cornyn and Cruz) have been silent. The rep (Roger Williams) has publicly come out in favor of the order. UGHHHHHHHHH.
My rep a half hour ago tweeted "During this time we must ensure our vetting process is completely foolproof." Um...our refugee vetting process is already stringent. This will radicalize people - undoubtedly some American citizens - into becoming terrorists if they were not already! The stupidity and shortsightedness is astounding.
eggplant / 11716 posts
@hummusgirl: Thank you so much for calling your reps. I've been pretty disheartened this week by some friends (who are on my side!) who either say they don't call their reps because they are on the opposite side "and won't listen", or they won't call their reps because they are on the same side so "it doesn't matter". IT ALL MATTERS. The number of people who call definitely matters. If a republican representative or senator gets 15,000 calls about an issue, it's going to make them think about their constituents and what will happen when they are up for reelection.
Here in NJ, this pressure has already made 1 republican representative--the very first, issue a statement saying this wasn't done the right way. Breaking part lines! And He's been getting thousands of calls.
wonderful pear / 26210 posts
@Anagram: You're absolutely correct, it all does matter, whether you call, write, or email. I have reached out to one of my state senators in particular thanking him for his vigorous questioning of DeVos as well as some of the legislation that he's introducing. I feel as though he has it right, he's working for me.
The problem, at least from where I sit, is that the Republicans are advancing their own agenda. Specifically Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell. They represent their small areas, but because they have leadership positions, they really represent the entire country and this is where I do not feel heard. Everything I have read says to only contact your reps, so I feel, I don't know, silenced?
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
Two! I contacted both of my Republican senators today about the Muslim ban. I have to admit I thought twice about it just in case I was put on a list. What is happening is scary as sh%t!
I used email this morning because it was so early. I saved both numbers in my phone to call too.
pineapple / 12566 posts
I've seen posts on social media saying that calling is the most effective way to make your voice heard and emails don't get read. Does anyone know if either of these are true? Since I live abroad, it's costly/logistically difficult to call my reps.
wonderful pear / 26210 posts
@lamariniere: They have to answer the phones, that's why calling is most effective.
eggplant / 11716 posts
Does anyone know if representatives/senators have access to information about current addresses/voting records of constituents? Do they really know if people calling are in their district or not?
pear / 1718 posts
I've called my republican country executive asking him to take a stance on the Muslim ban. He has not...
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
@Anagram: I just spoke to my congressman's office in DC. The aide did not ask me for additional info to confirm Im a constituent.
Both my Senator's DC lines are busy.
What I found interesting is the aides line about Obama/ Congress recommended these seven countries...I pressed because a ban was NOT recommended. The aide said the recommendation was for those countries to improve their vetting process similar to other Muslim majority countries. I had not heard that and could not argue. Does anyone have links to that?
pear / 1548 posts
@Anagram: from what I've read and I could be wrong, your information is taken down when you call to log your call and ensure you're in their district.
ETA: my husband called our Texas representative and they logged his info, not sure that everyone is getting their info logged.
pomelo / 5678 posts
Congressman in regard to a petition for protecting Endangered Species Act through the American Bird Conservancy. I feel the "environment" kinda gets ignored, but that's exactly why it needs attention- we all depend on and are impacted by keystone species and the health of the environment.
He agrees.
nectarine / 2028 posts
Not sure if you saw this on Facebook, but PLEASE do this if you oppose DeVos. I got through on my third try and spoke to an actual person, who made note of my opposition. I have democratic representation casting a "no" vote already, so it felt good to be able to make a call as well.
Betsy DeVos's nomination to be Secretary of Education is up for confirmation tomorrow, January 31st. She is DANGEROUS️ If you oppose her nomination, please take 5 MINUTES and call the House Oversights & Government Reform Committee. They are tallying the number of calls against the nominee, and this support can then be used to sway other congressional members during the meeting tomorrow.
House Oversights and Government Reform Committee - 202-225-5051
(I got through right away, it took others a couple more tries). Press 2 to speak to someone, and let them know that you oppose her nomination.
pear / 1548 posts
@ChiCalGoBee: thanks for sharing this. I called and got through right away. They did not log my info.
I called my State's governor, State Senator and a State representative this afternoon and it was quick and painless! Some offices took down just my name and some took down all of my info including my address and phone number.
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
@ChiCalGoBee: @Boopers: I just called and the aide said she would share my stance with the committee.
The thing that got me about DeVoss - was different accountability standards for different schools and unequal protection for children with disabilities. HRC went undercover to fight that BS. We can't go backwards.
wonderful pear / 26210 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: She didn't even know what she was answering. She didn't prepare AT ALL. And not to mention she told Senator Murphy (of CT, Sandy Hook) that guns were needed in schools to protect children from grizzly bears.
nectarine / 2821 posts
@ChiCalGoBee: wow that was so easy. Thanks. I am ripping the bandaid off today and making calls, I was being a wimp and it's not that bad!!!
pomegranate / 3779 posts
I've called both of my senators (Cornyn and Cruz) but they have stopped answering their phones and I went to Cornyn's office here in town and voiced my concerns about the Trump cabinet nominations. (BTW - the staff member at Cornyn's office was very polite and only noted my zip code, not any other identifying information.)
I've called the county sheriff's office to say that they should not support the detainment of people until their papers can be shown, no matter what Trump says of sanctuary cities. I do not live in the city limits, but if I did I would call the mayor as well.
I've called Paul Ryan's office to express my dismay at repealing the ACA without a plan to replace it. I've called the House Oversight & Government Reform Committee about DeVoss. I marched in the Women's March and plan to join the March for Science.
I've seen information from multiple sources that in person visits to town halls or their offices if the best, then calling, but that emails and personal letters hardly even get read. I follow a couple people on Facebook that are really great about posting reminders with a script and the numbers of the general folks (like committee members.)
What I've heard from a congressional staffer is that every senator/member of congress gets a summary of all the calls made by the constituents the day before. This is broken down by reason for call (you should only give 1-2 reasons per call) and zip code. The approximate ratio of daily calls made by republicans versus democrats is 12:1, so its really important that we start getting democrats and independents mobilized on these simple/easy to do things. Even if you are in line with your representative, it's good to call and let them know that they are in line with you and you can still call other members of congress/senators who are members of committees that are involved in the issues that you are concerned about.
pear / 1548 posts
Please forgive my ignorance on this question, but I've been googling and cannot find an answer to my question. The HELP committee is set to vote on DeVos tomorrow. The committee consists of something like 23 US Senators. Are they the only ones voting for her nomination or do all 100 senators vote for her nomination? I've seen all over the Internet to call the senators on the committee to ensure enough people vote no, but is it worth calling my US senators even if they aren't on the committee? Cornyn and Cruz probably won't answer regardless, but I'll make the call today if they are voting.
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
@mrs.shinerbock: yes, yes, yes!
District lines are drawn so politicians get re-elected and keep their seats, BUT peace of mind never hurts when you want to speak your mind/ heart. I wish I had Dem representatives I could root on.
nectarine / 2028 posts
@Boopers: @Mrs. Lemon-Lime: @junebugsmama: Glad you ladies were able to make the call.
It's probably pretty evident but I am very against everything that's gone on since January 20th, and I'm fed up as hell. Thanks to all for what you're doing to make your voices heard. Seeing so many come together like this makes me feel like there's some hope.
apricot / 263 posts
This morning, I called one of my senators (Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois) to urge him to vote against Sessions because he's on the Judiciary Committee that's supposed to hold its vote tomorrow.
I also called my representative, Danny Davis, about the travel ban because he hadn't issued a public statement yet. He released one later today, so he must have been working on it over the weekend. I was happy to see that.
@chicalgobee I'm in solidarity with you, fellow Chicagoan! (I'm in Oak Park.)
Also, I found this website useful for figuring out who to call and what to say: https://5calls.org/.
nectarine / 2028 posts
@MsInformation: Oak Park is so great! I actually live in San Diego right now but I'm a Chicagoan through and through!
pineapple / 12566 posts
This morning I contacted my Republican senator and congressman (I'm registered to vote in a very red state). I contacted them through their Senate and House pages and voiced my concern about the current immigration/refugee ban.
grapefruit / 4235 posts
@Boopers: i haven't gone to the next page yet -- but the way a nomination (or bill) works at the federal level (or in my state, PA) - is that first, the nominee/bill gets introduced. Then, if the committee chairs like it, it can be referred to a relevant committee. Then, it gets voted out of the committee and on to the full body (in nominations of Secretaries - the Senate.) Then the full Senate votes to confirm or deny.
If it's a bill and it's approved, then it moves on to the other legislative body that it was first approved in. And then if it's approved, and there are any changes from the FIRST approved version, it goes back to the other body for a concurrence vote.
THEN it can go on to the executive branch (President or Governor) to be signed or vetoed.
the Legislative body can override an executive veto with enough votes.
Hooray for checks and balances....let's hope they remain.
grapefruit / 4235 posts
And I've been calling my Congressmen (cause they're all men) every day, picking 2 points a day that i'm opposed to, or that I appreciate their stances on.
Just remember that the people on the phone are doing their jobs -- try not to get angry or raise your voice. (sometimes it's very difficult when you are very passionate.)
Don't just try to call the DC office - try ALL the district offices to get through to a person. I've heard they're so busy they don't even have time to clear voicemails out. Calls really are the best. And check their office hours - My Senators are open 8:30 - 4:30, but my Rep is open 9-5.
pineapple / 12566 posts
I was really heartened to see that the issue that I contacted my representatives about has been addressed. I contacted them about the refugee ban and specifically mentioned translators and interpreters in my message. I was heartened to see that the ban has been lifted for Iraqi interpreters. I know my voice is infinitely small and likely had practically zero influence, but in any case, this amendment is a bright spot.
grapefruit / 4361 posts
@Boopers: I didn't see a reply so here's the answe: the committee is the first round of votes, next the entire senate will vote on Monday I believe. Please call!
grapefruit / 4361 posts
If your senators and representatives have full voicemails or they aren't picking up the phone, like mine aren't, you can use the website ww.w.faxzero.com to send 5 free faxes a day. I thought maybe they might pay attention to that more than emails, because at least it's a physical piece of paper
pear / 1548 posts
@DesertDreams88: I realized that once the committee voted. Thanks! I've been calling my senators.
pomegranate / 3779 posts
Don't forget your state levels reps too. They are trying to push through some stuff while everyone is focused on the national stuff.
@hummusgirl: @Boopers: Texas has a senate bill (SB4) that they are trying to push through that would force all local law enforcement to ask about immigration status and detain people without their papers on them. The House is reviewing a bill to implement school vouchers in TX. This is likely to happen way faster than a national system from DeVos. Oh, and there is a transgender bathroom bill that Dan Patrick is pushing.
Also, rumor has it that Cornyn is wavering and could vote no on DeVos, so if you haven't called him lately, you might consider calling him again.
eggplant / 11716 posts
@mrs.shinerbock: I appreciate your Texas activism! Back when I lived in Texas, I wrote a heartfelt letter about the ACA and how I wanted my senators to support it and why--I gave personal examples about my dad and my brother's separate experiences with cancer and insurance coverage. And I got the most snide, disgusting personal email in response. It was probably 5 years ago now, but basically along the lines of, "well, people should plan better'. AS IF PEOPLE CAN PLAN CANCER.
And my entire point of the letter is that both my father and my brother were middle class and fully insured. And if THEIR insurance journey through cancer was so terrible, how is it for the uninsured or underinsured?
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@mrs.shinerbock: Very good point about state level!
My state just introduced a bill to change how our electoral votes are given. It's obviously an attempt to make sure Republicans in our state have more of a vote. I contacted our representatives urging them to vote against it and to vote for a different bill to bring our state into the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact.
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