We've started solids. So far, LO isn't feelin' it. We started with cereal. First rice, then grain. She kinda didn't mind it but wasn't much enthused. Then we tried squash. She basically projectile spit it out. And gave me a look like WTF was that? And she refused to even look at me let alone open her mouth again. I kept trying a little bit each day for like, 4 days- nope. She continues to gag herself to avoid eating it! Lol. I moved on the green beans (I know, much less likelihood that she'd eat that if she hates squash... same result- spewing of veggies)

How many times do you try a veggie before it's obvious that they're just not going to like it? I'm going to make peas, sweet potato and carrots this week to introduce then one at a time.

Any suggestions on how to make solids work? Mama can't nurse for life....