I just read this article in Slate that said, "According to Fidelity Investments, the average 401(k) account belonging to someone at least 55 years old is worth $165,000. (And those people are lucky. They actually have workplace retirement accounts.) The Federal Reserve says the median amount held in all retirement accounts—individual or workplace—where the head of the household is at least 35 but hasn’t yet reached the official retirement age of 65 is $59,000. "
If $59,000 is the median, then there are a lot of people with less...that seems to little for someone who is over 35 but not yet 65!
1)If you are not yet 35, will you have more than 59,000 in retirement accounts by the time you are 35? If you are 35, how much do you and your spouse have combined?
Follow up questions:
2)Generally speaking, do you feel you are on track for retirement, or are there areas you'd like to improve?
3)I know HBers tend to skew a little better on these things than the "average" American. So from what you know, does it seem your circle of friends/coworkers are adequately planning for retirement?
3)Have you ever had to use money from your retirement account for other purposes? (home downpayment, stop gap measures during unemployment, etc).
My husband and I are quickly approaching 35, so this weighs heavily on my mind.