Hi all, I'm curious to know how much playtime a 2-month old should have. Currently, my girl's schedule is like this:

8-9:30am : Feeding, 5-10 minutes baby gym / tummy time
9:30 - 11:30am : Nap
11:30 - 1pm : Feeding, 5 minutes reading + 5 minutes looking around the house
1-3pm : Nap
3-4:30pm : Feeding, 5-10 minutes baby gym / tummy time
4:30 - 6:30 : Nap
6:30 - 8pm :Feeding, 5-10 minutes baby gym / tummy time
8 - 9:30 : Nap
9:30 - 11:30 : Bath, feeding, cuddling, singing
11:30 - 8 : bedtime

She doesn't eat very fast and has to be burped frequently because of acid reflux. I realize that she doesn't have a lot of playtime during the day... like only 5-10 minutes after each feeding and she then would yarn and want to sleep. Is it normal at this age?