So...I am working on our 2016 budget and also contemplating refi-ing to a 15 year mortgage. Looking for input on your budget and/or feedback on mine. I'm stressing bc I have always had a super comfortable positive cash flow...DH has been a little tighter due to his student loans. Putting our finances together finally - reduces my wiggle room and is stressing me out!!!
Running the budget (adjusted for #2 who is due in March) our positive cash flow each month with a 5 year mortgage is $1200. Some additional factors:
-I max out my 401K - DH contributes a smaller amount but gets a nice employer contribution
-We contribute the necessary amount to 529 savings plans to be able to provide what we want to our 2 children
-We currently have about $100K equity in our house (very conservative value estimate)
-DH's student loans will be paid off in 5 years
-Before refi'ing we will have all cc's paid off or close to off (no more than $2K revolving debt)
Outside of our monthly positive cash flow savings - we also have approx $10-15K in additional cash inflow from bonuses and pre-tax savings accounts.
Am I stressing for nothing? Would you do the 15 year which is about $700 extra per month (factored into the numbers above already)?