LMW is definitely teething. She was happy as a clam during the day but having trouble going to bed at night-- she'd go down totally normally but then wake up screaming every 30 minutes all the way until 10:30pm. Finally one night I gave her tylenol and she went down without a peep and stayed asleep for 7 hours-- almost her record! She's been drooling like crazy and putting her hands in her mouth, so I know it's teething. Plus Wagon Jr. got his first tooth right around this age, and according to my mom I also got my teeth at this age.

The problem? She's only THREE MONTHS OLD.

Wagon Jr. was NOT this bad-- he had two nights where he screamed for a few hours, and then he was totally fine. I think it must be getting a lot worse because even with regular doses of tylenol today, she was a terror all afternoon, just screaming and screaming, and even though she was down for good by 8:30pm, she screamed pretty much from 5-8pm. It is so heartbreaking. Nothing is helping-- she won't finish her bottle, she takes a paci if I hold it in her mouth but then gets frantic, I tried a frozen washcloth to no avail, and obviously the tylenol is not helping anymore-- it seems to take effect at the 2 or 3 hour mark, and by then it's wearing off anyway so by the 4 hour mark she is frantic again.

Any thoughts on what I can do to help her with the pain?? The nurse at the pediatricians told me it was fine to give her tylenol, but I don't feel comfortable pumping her with the max dose every 4 hours all day, every day... has anyone tried teething tablets or baby orajel with any success?