This is really hard.for me to open up about and I don't feel comfortable talking yo anyone IRL. I have a very close family member who is really struggling. Basically everything in their life that could go wrong is going wrong. Legal troubles, loss of job, etc.... This person has isolated themselvrs, has made comments about not caring about anything in life anymore, and has legal troubles that can land him in jail. He has stated that he will not do jail if he is sentenced..... Im afraid hr is suicidal. He refuses counselling and will not try antidepressants. I live hours away and I asked if I could visit and he told me he wasn't up for visitors. (If I visited I would have to stay at their place BC I can't afford to get a hotel) I am so worried and at a loss. he doesn't like to talk about his troubles but I call him (most of the time he won't answer) to let hin know I'm there. I talk about trival thinga too, to see if that helps....I don't know how to help.