As many of you know, baby A has hip dysplasia and was put into a Pavlik harness on Friday. She was SO upset about it on Friday, but the little star has adapted so well and has been pretty much her gorgeous, smiley self all weekend. So very, very proud of her.

This is a little long, sorry : )

Anyway, we live in Canada but our entire family lives in England so none of them have met her yet. I hadn't Skyped them since A was diagnosed because it was too hard to talk about it without crying, but I'd kept them all up to speed with emails and texts. So none of them have asked after her in a while, but I let them all know when her next appointments were so they were kept in the loop. None of them got in touch to say good luck for her appointments, or to say they were thinking of her, then, on Friday, I emailed my mum, dad and three sisters exactly what had happened at the hospital, what the orthopedic dr had said, and about how A was coping being strapped into the harness, which at that point, was not at all well and screaming her little heart out. Not one of them replied to me, and not one of them has asked after her since. In their defense, my gran has been ill in hospital and my mum has had to put a lot of effort into trying to find a carer for when she gets out, put still, I had hoped she could text at least once to ask after her granddaughter.

I'm so hurt that none of them can even send me a text to ask how she's coping being strapped up. I ALWAYS text to ask for updates when my nieces are ill, or there are problems at home.

So I'm not sure how to handle it next. I was tempted to email them all back and say something like 'I hope you've all had a great week... I'm not sure how often you want updates on A's health but she'll be at Sick Kids every Friday for the foreseeable future and if you want weekly updates drop me a line or text me each Friday and I'll let you know how she got on'. But maybe that will cause a fight..... I daren't call and just call them out on how I feel because I'll probably cry. DH thinks I should just leave it and eventually they'll get in touch but I'm so hurt on my daughter's behalf. She's only nine weeks old, I would have hoped her family would have been a little more concerned. No they haven't ever met her and maybe they don't feel a bond but still.

Rant over, thanks for listening : ) What do you think I should do? Leave it?