My husband and I don't fight often, but lately when we do fight it's been about him not having enough time to himself. We have a 16 month old and caring for him has been pretty close to 50/50 with the exception that I'm home with him a day or two more during the week.
Lately though, DH has been getting moody about not being able to "get things down" and have time to himself when being a husband and father takes up "95%" of his time. He loves DS more than anything, and I know that, but I can't help but feel hurt when he says things like that because it makes me feel like this isn't the life he would've chosen for himself. I also get pissed because really, when do I get time for MYSELF? His response to that was "well you're the mother you're supposed to take care of him". This was said while fighting, but it made me really mad because really we're not in the 1950's. I work too! And the thing is I DO give him time to himself. Just yesterday he took two hours working on something in the garage while I played with DS.
This is mostly a vent, but am I overreacting? I would love to give in and just give him more time to himself, but at the same time I feel like I'm screwing myself that way. Any suggestions?
Thanks for listening!