Hello everyone, I was wondering of anyone else with hypothyroid has depression out of no where? I noticed its more when i am on my period when i get emotional out of no where, i tend to be perfectly fine when i am not on my period and using my progesterone cream. but when on my period at night i tend to get very emotional and start crying out of no where or think of the stupidest things to fight with my husband about like not spending enough time with me, or that i feel no longer attractive to him, i know he loves me in every way but i think these depression episodes are making him not want to be around me cause i get crazy emotional and make no sense sometimes and heck sometimes i have no idea why i even do this?? and i feel horrible for it! just seeing if anyone can relate or maybe i need something to level my hormones when i am on my period. my thyroid levels all came back normal last month so its confusing!!