Successfully completed my HSG today! I took 2 hrs from work .. And I can tell you I was nervous before I left!!! I got there and was feeling a tad anxious. DH was meeting me there from work and I was called back before he made it. ::queue nerves:: I knew he couldn't come into the flouro room anyways.. The dr talked me through the entire thing and I watched on the monitor. Honestly the only thing I felt was him cleaning my cervix. Now- I almost wish something was wrong so I didn't have to freak myself out about my cycle 3 testing an egg quality.. But all looked good. My uterus is slightly arcuate- meaning there is a slight arc to the top of it- but not enough to have any concerns. My right tube spilled right away.. The left took a second- but was open. Now maybe it was a tiny bit blocked which is why it didn't spill like the right. But I think that is hopeful thinking

Next step- July cycle day 3 bloodwork...

I have attached a pic for any curious readers obviously the date is put in wrong.. But there she is.