Hi all! I posted a few weeks ago about getting a saline infusion sonogram. I did the test (which wasn’t bad) and results were inconclusive. Thankfully no polyps or fibroids were seen, but there was a weird little polyp-like growth and uterine debris floating around. Thankfully there is no indication that it’s anything but benign and best guess is that it’s some left over scar tissue that has developed after a D&C I had after retaining some tissue after delivering my second baby in 2017. OB still suggests doing at least a biopsy of the material to definitively state it isn’t something that requires treatment, but also suggested that I could undergo a hysterscopy to just remove all that extra debris and tissue and see if that resolves my unusual spotting and short cycles. I’m debating which route....the idea of going under anesthesia to do a hysterscopy is freaking me out. Anyone have any experience with either test? What was your experience?