Hellobee Boards


I am thankful for...

  1. sera_87

    pomegranate / 3604 posts

    Feeling kicks before a doc appointment

  2. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @blackbird: Wow! What job are you transitioning to?

  3. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @sera_87: Hope your little man is doing well!

    As for me, I am thankful I can take 6 months off with DS. It's not great for me longterm (both financially and personally) but I know this time is very special.

  4. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    @simplyfelicity: I'm applying to a physician assistant program this summer

  5. Greentea

    pomelo / 5678 posts

    I am grateful DH got a job today.

  6. MoonMoon

    pomegranate / 3393 posts

    Today I'm glad for our weather forecast. 60s and 70s for the first week of November in upstate NY? I'll take it!

  7. MoonMoon

    pomegranate / 3393 posts

    @Greentea: that's great, congratulations!

  8. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    Today I'm thankful for hugs and kisses from LO. He's just so sweet and affectionate lately. Yesterday I told him I loved him and he leaned over and gave me a big kiss. Today he was playing and just randomly came over and gave me hugs several times.

  9. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    Day#2 I am thankful for my Husband! He is such a good dad, and amazing man! He loves us so very much! I am blessed to have him!

  10. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    After a rough few days with D getting sick with bronchitis and having to cancel his surgery that we've had planned for months, I'm thankful that CHOP was able to fit us back onto the OR schedule in just 2 weeks!

  11. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    @littlebug: that's great news!

  12. Bao

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22276 posts

    I am thankful for my mom, for always being able to help watch the girls. Today I had to run my car to 3 different auto/tire shops and it would have been a nightmare dragging them along. And I am thankful for my dad for always being there for me to make sure things are ok.

  13. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    Today I'm thankful for health. A friend was diagnosed at age 50 with a rare aggressive cancer. He ran triathlons and Iron Mans. He was very healthy. It doesn't make sense. I just have to be thankful for each day I have.

  14. lovehoneybee

    GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts

    I am grateful for how healthy my children are. I've read so many stories of children who aren't, and I'm so grateful that mine is. And on that line, that despite a sometimes rocky pregnancy this little one inside of me now is a picture of health.

  15. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    Today I'm thankful that my parents live nearby and my mom is able to help us with LO.

  16. winter_wonder

    persimmon / 1479 posts

    I am thankful for my carpool buddy. It's so nice to vent to someone about work who actually "gets it"

  17. Greentea

    pomelo / 5678 posts

    Today I am grateful for DH, he took DD to the park when I was sick and ran some errands.

    @MoonMoon: thanks! He lost his other job on Thursday, starts a different one tomorrow, not too bad! Phew!

  18. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    Day #3 This God given girl

  19. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @Greentea: Yay!

  20. MoonMoon

    pomegranate / 3393 posts

    Day 3: today I'm thankful for warm sunshine and getting to take a yoga class, before my pass expires tomorrow!

  21. MoonMoon

    pomegranate / 3393 posts

    Day 4: I sound like a broken record, but I'm truly thankful for this warm 75° day in November! 🌞

    And, I'm thankful that DH will be getting home from work soon to take LO to his swim class, at which point I will make a big cup of coffee, grab a bunch of cookies, and study for an upcoming test!

  22. erinpye

    pomegranate / 3706 posts

    My 2 beautiful girls. Over and over and over, every day, I'm amazed they're mine.

  23. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    Today I'm thankful that I have been able to get a few chores done around the house. It seems like some days I just can't get anything done with my toddler tornado!

  24. Greentea

    pomelo / 5678 posts

    My daughter, DH, my attorney, sunshine, and my wonderful state, and seeing through a recent hard time.

    @MoonMoon: what are you studying? what kind of cookies need studying?

    @FaithFertility: thanks!

  25. Greentea

    pomelo / 5678 posts

    @regberadaisy: thank you! I am SO grateful!

  26. MoonMoon

    pomegranate / 3393 posts

    @Greentea: haha, I wish I was majoring in cookie they're just the fuel I need to study for a science test!

  27. Mrs. Lemon-Lime

    wonderful pea / 17279 posts

    My pregnancy insomnia because I waited until the very last minute to pick up the house before my cleaning crew came. They're awesome, so I'm thankful for them too!

  28. Ginabean3

    pomegranate / 3401 posts

    I am thankful for DH, the breadwinner of our family, and being able to stay home with my girls.

  29. sunny

    coconut / 8430 posts

    So thankful for modern medicine and good health insurance.

  30. ScarletBegonia

    persimmon / 1339 posts

    Today I am thankful for:
    - My most amazing child
    - My husband who is the best friend and father I could dream of
    - My best friend who is visiting this weekend from New Zealand (counting down the hours til she arrives)
    - My students who behaved well while I was being observed by my boss so I got an awesome reportI
    - The IPA waiting for me in fridge for when I get home, weekend starts in 4 hours!

  31. brady80

    kiwi / 589 posts

    a healthy family. I just saw on FB that someone I knew when I was younger has a child, my LO's age, recently diagnosed with cancer. Makes me so sad for them and so thankful for our health

  32. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    Day #3 #4
    My supportive sisters love our bond!

  33. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    Today I am thankful for my brothers. I had fun today seeing them play with LO and they always make him laugh. I'm thankful for baby giggles too!

  34. MoonMoon

    pomegranate / 3393 posts

    Day 5: today I'm thankful for the dinner I made. I've been really off the cooking bandwagon, so I made a joking deal with DH that I'd cook dinner every night, instead of him. So far I'm 2 for 2, haha.

  35. Greentea

    pomelo / 5678 posts

    I am grateful for DD, and lemon lime soda while I am sick!

  36. Bao

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22276 posts

    I am thankful for hot showers! DH is home and I'm about to get a "mom shower"

  37. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    I am thankful that LO2 has turned head down. And that LO1 wants to watch Dora right now and let me lay on the couch.

  38. sera_87

    pomegranate / 3604 posts

    I am grateful for the hospital having free wifi

  39. HLK208

    pineapple / 12234 posts

    My healthy family


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