One of my colleagues just came back from maternity leave today. I had actually not met her yet because I started after she left. She is very nice, though she seems a bit uneasy today as would be expected. Of course, I asked to see a lot of baby pictures and cooed over them, but other than that I haven't said a lot to her about her LO.

Just now, this male coworker walks up to her desk and starts asking about her baby. She tells him what daycare she's sending her LO to, and he starts into how he will only ever have his kids at home with a nanny for the first year. He goes on and on about how daycares don't give the same one-on-one attention, that they get babies sick, etc. She sat there very politely and didn't say much, but I can only imagine how she feels as a new mama who JUST dropped her LO off at daycare!

I am just seething. I wanted to chime in, "I've heard that is an AMAZING daycare," even though I don't know anything about it and obviously I was not apart of the conversation at all. I just can't believe someone would be so rude!