My birth went the opposite of what I wanted: a natural childbirth, preferably a water birth. My water broke at 2:30 am and I headed to the birth center. Unfortunately there was a decent amount of meconium in the fluid. I had to be transferred to the hospital where my midwife has privileges). They did monitoring of the baby's heartbeat for hours and her rate decelerated after every strong contraction, so the midwife and doctors said there was probably a cord issue, probably wrapped around her neck. On top of that she was lodged in my pelvis transverse and though I was contracting every 2 minutes I made no progress. I ended up with an emergency C-section because of those reasons. They even had problems trying to get her dislodged during the operation.
I'm okay with it because both my doula and midwife said this is what C-sections are for.
My beautiful Billie Evelyn was born at 7:22 pm weighing 6lbs 11 oz.