I see so many beautiful nurseries here and oh how I wish I could do that too. I am not decorating-inclined. I can't even pick a theme or color scheme because... I just don't care that much? To give you an idea of what I mean, our wedding had no "colors" and no flowers or decorations of any kind. I'm completely oblivious to that stuff, and my husband is even more oblivious than I am. Now, I really want to care about decorating the nursery, and I really want our daughter to have a beautiful and well-put-together room, but I don't know how. If I see something I can tell whether I like it or not, but I just wouldn't know where to start.

We're renting so we can't paint or do anything to the walls. And there is light blue wall-to-wall carpeting in the room that I'm not a huge fan of. We have the crib and dresser set up, and I'm looking for a rocking chair, and I just don't know what to do next. Any tips on how to get started?

Other questions that have popped up: What happens when the baby outgrows the nursery? Should I pick artwork and decorative items that will stay with her as she grows? Or, since we're planning to have more children, should we decorate the nursery once now and keep all the same items for future babies?