Bad news is that for the month of Dec my hours got cut in half - good news is that I am going to make the most of it and do a fun activity everyday with the kids - aged 2.5 and 5.

Here is what I have so far - can anyone give me more ideas?? I have 16 and need 8 more!!

It’s the 1st day of December – let’s visit the alpaca farm for some holiday fun!
It’s time to make a house – a gingerbread house that is!
Let’s say thank you to a neighbor by baking a treat and dropping it off.
Let’s snuggle up on the couch with popcorn and a Christmas Movie.
Brrrr..Its cold! Let’s go grab some Hot Chocolate at Starbucks!
Today we will bake some cookies and then share with our friends.
Craft time! Let’s make salt dough ornaments.
We need some new books! Let’s take a trip to the library and pick out a Christmas book!
Christmas is getting close! Let’s write a letter to Santa and mail it!
Let’s go shopping for other kids who don’t get Christmas presents. What do you think they would like?
Today we will go to Hallmark and select our annual ornaments for the tree!
Let’s be silly today and eat dinner in the fort!
The trees are bare and the birds are hungry! Let’s make some pinecone bird feeders.
Craft Time! Let’s make paper snowflakes and hang them up!
Party time! Today we will attend a Holiday party and see Santa!
Who’s up for a bath? Let’s take a bath and use Christmas colors to paint the walls!
Santa comes tonight! Let’s make some reindeer food for the reindeer!