I know all I ever do lately is post about how hard breastfeeding is, but...seriously, why is this so hard for me? We have overcome our early challenges, my injuries are almost completely healed and I have next to no pain now (YAY!) but I am still having a hard time. I went to my Friday morning BFing group this week and burst into tears.

I feel like I am being held hostage by DD and my boobs. I've always been an incredibly independent person and maybe that's the problem? I just find myself wishing for a day off. I don't have enough of a stash to really take any time off.

I'm not looking for a solution, because there isn't one so long as I'm committed to EBFing, but I just need to vent. I spend over half of my waking hours nursing and it's freaking HARD. I feel like I'm broken because it doesn't seem to be as hard for other people to adjust.

I just feel like crying today.