I got shingles while I was nursing Wagon Jr. when he was about 5 months old, and it was so incredibly painful. The nerve pain dulled but didn't really go away for months.

This time around I got a rash on the OTHER side of my body, with very little pain, so I didn't think it was shingles. But now I have the rash on the first side of my body (but in a different spot) and there's a good amount of pain, and yesterday it started shooting up my back (telltale nerve pain of shingles) so I'm pretty sure it's shingles again. At least this time the pain isn't so blindingly incapacitating like the last time! And all of the times my rash has been just that, no crusting over and breaking open, thank GOD. But this time around the rash is pretty itchy.

Has anyone else had shingles??