We had gotten over the hump of MSPI. We have been soy and dairy free for over a year now. He has gained 1 pound every month for the last 6 months. He is officially 20 pounds and even almost on the growth curve.

For about a week and a half, he has had the loosest stools. Yesterday I didn't even know he messed until we pulled off his diaper. It was like brown water (soaked into the diaper) with food chunks. He's been going multiple times a day 3 or 4 even. He is fussy and just doesn't seem happy or comfortable.

We think he may be reacting to eggs. He didn't eat them well for about 3 months and has lately taken to them. But it's the only thing we can pinpoint in his diet that has changed. Ugh. I thought we were over this.

I just want to cry it is so difficult to think of starting all over. Super vigilant and it's just so difficult. I don't want him to hurt but I also am so tired of worrying all the time that we are hurting him. He's 17 months but doesn't have enough of a vocabulary to help us figure it all out.

Tomorrow I will be calling the gastro and the pediatrician. I will also be finding probiotics for him.