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Identical or fraternal twins?

  1. tequiero21

    honeydew / 7968 posts

    @birdofafeather: we aren't going to tell them who was born first.

  2. Caly

    nectarine / 2765 posts

    Oh my goodness, they are such cuties! And they look identical!

  3. sunny

    coconut / 8430 posts

    They are so adorable! Other than satisfying curiosity, is there benefit or practical reason to knowing if they are identical or fraternal?

  4. sunshineandsushi

    persimmon / 1165 posts

    @tequiero21: I'm all for keeping this a secret as well because it really shouldn't matter. They were born just 1 minute apart, really.

  5. sunshineandsushi

    persimmon / 1165 posts

    @Mrs. Jacks: the cheapest I've found is $99 to test both of them. It's not too bad, but I just wish that's something the hospital could have told us for sure!

    @sunny: if they are identical, it's good to know in case either of them ever develops any medical issues. Then we know to expect or get it checked out with the other.

  6. Mrs. Train

    blogger / pomegranate / 3300 posts

    I would want to know but it's up to you. They are super cute.

  7. tequiero21

    honeydew / 7968 posts

    @sunshineandsushi: did u ever find out?

  8. sunshineandsushi

    persimmon / 1165 posts

    @tequiero21: gah ... no. We haven't tested them yet. I need to get over to the hospital's medical records office when they're open to find out if they have the same blood type. From there, we'll know if we need to get twin testing done. My DH and I still maintain that they're fraternal. Thoughts?

  9. Boheme

    papaya / 10473 posts

    They are sooooooo cute!

  10. birdofafeather

    pineapple / 12053 posts

    @sunshineandsushi: from this angle, they look different: their noses and their eyes.

    they are so cute! i don't think i've seen a photo in a while!

  11. sunshineandsushi

    persimmon / 1165 posts

    @birdofafeather: their eyes are definitely different. I guess at this point I'm not sure how different identical twins can look.

  12. Sammyfab

    pomegranate / 3383 posts

    Oh my goodness....they are so stinkin' cute!!!

  13. shopaholic

    bananas / 9973 posts

    SOOOO cute! I could see them being fraternal, but they look very, very similar! I'd want to do the testing either way, just to know!

  14. lemondrop

    bananas / 9118 posts

    Adorable! Cool to see how they have grown

    For what it's worth, my nephews are identical (for sure identical, they had TTTS), but they have some differences between their features, a pretty similar degree to your little guys. I'll definitely be interested in hearing the results when/if you decide to find out more.

  15. Pink Champagne

    clementine / 943 posts

    Aw they're cuties! I think they look very very similar but not necessarily identical. They look like they have slightly different face shapes (the chins) plus their eye shape is different.

  16. tequiero21

    honeydew / 7968 posts

    When they were younger, I totally thought identical. Now, they look so similar, like brothers, but more fraternal... Mostly cuz of the eyes. I've seen identical twins who didn't look alike though. Would be nice and easy if they had different blood types!

  17. Mrs. Train

    blogger / pomegranate / 3300 posts

    Mine are identical but they look very different to me. People tell me they are hard to tell apart but I don't have trouble. I think yours look similar enough that they could be identical but I do see some differences. And they are also just too cute!

  18. Mrs. Train

    blogger / pomegranate / 3300 posts

    Sorry it posted twice, don't know how that happened

  19. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    They looked more identical in the first photos but the recent one you posts looks more fraternal.

  20. sandy

    cantaloupe / 6687 posts

    Oh my gahhhh...those are the cutest babies ever!!!

  21. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    Adorable!!! They look so much alike! But not sure! My friend has identical twin boys and I think they look different! Your twins almost look more identical than them!

  22. chopsuey

    hostess / wonderful honeydew / 32460 posts

    Omg they're so cute!! They look fraternal to me!

  23. sunshineandsushi

    persimmon / 1165 posts

    I pulled the trigger and ordered a twin DNA test today! It'll still be a few weeks before we get the results, but now we'll definitely know for sure soon enough!

  24. Shutterbug

    grapefruit / 4703 posts

    @sunshineandsushi: oh good, I wondered what you decided to do! I'll be interested to hear the outcome those boys just keep getting cuter!

  25. shellio

    pear / 1614 posts

    @sunshineandsushi: OMG soooooooooo adorable. Keep us posted! and keep posting pics! They are so precious.

  26. Raindrop

    grapefruit / 4731 posts

    Wow u are amazing to get them both to smile at the same time! I would totally get them tested.

  27. TemperanceBrennan

    pear / 1998 posts

    Your pictures are too cute! It's neat to see how much they've grown. You have some adorable babies.

  28. Caly

    nectarine / 2765 posts

    OMG! They are just too stinkin cute...those smiles!

  29. Mrs. Train

    blogger / pomegranate / 3300 posts

    So cute!!!! I'm a sucker for adorable twin pictures.

  30. sheskrafty

    persimmon / 1165 posts

    They are soooo cute!!

  31. birdofafeather

    pineapple / 12053 posts

    @sunshineandsushi: ah, so cute! so they had the same blood type?

  32. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    No idea, but dying of cute over here.

  33. sunshineandsushi

    persimmon / 1165 posts

    @birdofafeather: I have not! I give up ever trying to get that info. I did drive to the hospital one day to request the records, then I realized when I parked that I forgot their social security numbers, which I needed to complete the request form. So I've bit the bullet and I'm just doing the test, since it doesn't require me to drive anywhere.

  34. lemondrop

    bananas / 9118 posts

    @sunshineandsushi: oh goody, I'm definitely interested in the results! They sure are getting big!

    PS- I love their baseball shirts!

  35. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    oh my god, so cute!

  36. Mrs. Blue

    blogger / pomelo / 5361 posts

    @sunshineandsushi: I think they have a good chance of being identical! Like @Mrs. Train: said in one of her previous comments on this thread (which I just saw for the first time), our boys look significantly different to us and a lot of people that are around them much at all can tell them apart. Identicals definitely don't have to look exactly the same, and your LOs look quite similar. I'm soo curious to see if it's just a brotherly resemblance of if their identical.

    Also, they're insanely cute. The end.

  37. sunshineandsushi

    persimmon / 1165 posts

    I am impatiently waiting any day now for the results! You'd think since I waited so long to test them (15 months now) that I wouldn't be so impatient, but that is totally not the way it goes, haha!

    "On or before April 21" we will have our results!

  38. Raindrop

    grapefruit / 4731 posts

    @sunshineandsushi: Haha I clicked on this thread thinking you would announce! Oh well just a little bit more to wait

  39. sunshineandsushi

    persimmon / 1165 posts

    @Raindrop: Oops! Sorry, just venting my impatience!

    Should I be that crazy person and call them asking where my results are at? They have a "real-time" status you can check and it's complete all the way up to the "Send Results" part. Ahhhh.

  40. sunshineandsushi

    persimmon / 1165 posts

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