Hellobee Boards


IF Check In 02/27

  1. MrsTal

    clementine / 901 posts

    @bhbee: It's funny how our brains start to just process time I cycles rather than months lol. You have a bit of time, I hope the moving process goes smoothly for you and it gives you a good distraction.

    @mrs bunchy: I'm sorry things are feeling rough for you. I hope this cycle works out for you but if it doesn't an RE is going to be so helpful in this process. And it's not too bad financially, at least initially, many places offer a discount if you pay up front so be sure to ask about that.

    @Happygal: thanks for doing the list again. For the new doc I just looked online to see who was in the area and had decent reviews and called this place. How was your cruise?

    @Mrs. Polish: I'm so sorry about your dogs, that is so terrible. I hope they turn up soon.

    @LindsayInNY: I hope your HSG went well today!

    @Sprite: yay we are cycle buddies! Hopefully we move into the due date boards together!

    So DH and I met with the new RE and he was great. He took some time with us and said he did not recommend surgery for me at this time. He did an ultrasound and some blood work. He thinks I ovulated from both sides (!!!) this month from the clomid and is recommending we do clomid with and IUI next month, which I am more than ok with. I think we are officially switching but I think I need to finish out this cycle with the current place since they prescribed the clomid and blood work. I'm look looking forward to working with our new doc, he was very knowledgeable and didn't talk down to us and listened to my concerns and also thinks if we do need more testing he'd like to do a saline ultrasound before pursuing a lap. So all in all I'm happy.

  2. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    Thanks for all the well wishes! I survived! The Valium definitely helped take the edge off. Honestly, I thought a pap was worse (although shorter). My colposcopy/biopsy when I was 22 or 23 was even worse! I hardly noticed any pain or cramping at all. Doctor said everything looked good and normal - dye ran through both sides! So I'm hoping DH's SA goes well tomorrow too.

  3. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @LindsayInNY: @MrsTal: good news all around!!

  4. Mrs. Polish

    blogger / nectarine / 2010 posts

    @mrswin: they were taken from our property. This kind of thing has never happened in our area before. Everyone is pretty befuddled by it. We were really worried that they had been sent out of the area quickly, but now that we found one we think the rest are nearby too. Fingers crossed.

  5. Mrs. Polish

    blogger / nectarine / 2010 posts

    @LindsayInNY: I'm glad it went well and you got good news. Fingers crossed for the SA.

  6. thisisme

    apricot / 305 posts

    @Happygal: Thanks for keeping up with this list again!

  7. thisisme

    apricot / 305 posts

    @Mrs. Polish: That makes me so sad for you!! I hope you're able to locate the other dogs and that they're all ok!

  8. thisisme

    apricot / 305 posts

    @MrsTal: Since you ovulated from both sides, does that mean you have a higher chance of twins? Are you doing an IUI before you switch docs? IUI was never an option for us, so I'm not totally knowledgeable about how it works! Sounds like you're making good progress!

    @LindsayInNY: Valium is awesome! I wish my doc had given it to me before a couple of my tests. None of them were terribly painful, but I'm a complete nervous wreck when it comes to anything medical.

  9. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @thisisme: This was my first time ever taking it so I was a little worried. I took it about an hour before the appointment and was already feeling the jitters. By the time I got to the office, I was definitely feeling more relaxed and just slow moving almost? I think that may have helped things go as smoothly as they did!

  10. MrsTal

    clementine / 901 posts

    @LindsayInNY: glad everything looked good! Just the SA left right? Hopefully that means you'll have a plan in motion soon.

    @thisisme: I think it does? He wasn't sure but he looked at the left ovary first and he's like you probably already ovulated and it was from the left. Then he looked at the right and was like wait, maybe it was from the right? Then I suggested both and he said, oh yeah you took clomid so it's possible. Then he was like, maybe you will be pregnant and won't even need me Lol. We will be doing the IUI with the new doc because it wasn't even suggested with my old doc.

  11. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @MrsTal: SA is tomorrow and then I have my post-O blood work to check progesterone. My gut is telling my it's a possible LP/progesterone issue since I was spotting pre-AF for months. But I'm glad to finally get things figured out!

  12. mrswin

    nectarine / 2433 posts

    @LindsayInNY: Glad it was fairly painless for you! Good luck with the SA coming up

    @Mrs. Polish: Wow, that is completely nuts. I hope you are able to find them all soon.

    @MrsTal: I'm glad to hear that the new RE seems to be a better fit. I know in our case switching clinics has made such a difference to our outlook

  13. babycanuck

    pomegranate / 3105 posts

    So this week coming I have day 3 blood work and a ultrasounds on Thursday. Then I have to wait a month for the sonohysterogram (no clue if I spelled that right) before I can go see the gyno again for results with Hubs and discuss options.

  14. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @mrswin: What does WTF stand for again??? I know it is not what is in my head...lol I am right there with you, we too are at the 2yr mark and we wen to our RE for the first time last March :\ so I understand now you feel!

    @shutterbug: Yay, for IVF #2 I am hopeful for you, I liked your comment about a new appointment brings renewed hope.....so true!

    @happygal: Wow nephew #7 I know you are happy, but I can imagine those looks, I get them too from friends parents that all have kiddos!

    @just_ju: Wow, timeline is moving fast, best of luck are you doing IUI or TI?

    @thisisme: Yay, for TWW I pray 3/7 brings lucky #7 luck, as for POAS, when I had a set beta date I wouldn't I just couldn't think of a negative and then still have to do a beta!

    @MrsTal: Your new RE sounds promising! I am excited for you and hopeful!

    @Lazypanda: BeST of luck with b/w and results

    @LindsayINNy: I am glad to hear your HSG was ok and had good results, I hope DH SA is just the same!

    @BHBee: :\ 10DPO is still too early....I am sorry you feel down, but I say no AF you are still very much in the game!!!! I am about he same as you!

    @Mrs.Bunchy: Hey it only takes 1 egg I know we all want more for more chances! I too have no IF coverage, at all...but some now some way.... it works out, we have been blessed so far! And you will be too, just look forward it will fall into place!

    @Mrs.Polish: omg friend I am so very sorry to as that post about your fur babies! I pray they make it home safe and sound! I could only imagine

    @Littlek: Best of Luck to you!

    @Sprite: Prayers for your IUI

    @BabyCanuck: A month will go fast!

    Update: I am CD26 not sure when/if I O'd this cycle...no meds either so I am winging it....if no AF I will POAS Monday!

    I felt kinds strange the past few days tired and greasy...lol I remember feeling that way when I got my positive betas after our second IUI.....sooo of course I am going nuts...lo,
    Thankfully my little sister is coming to town this weekend (DH works all weekend )....so that will help me not think about it too much!

    As for the first meal I ever cooked DH...I have no idea.....but I do remember a time we cooked Chicken Alfredo together when we were like 18 and drank ginger ale out of wine glasses

  15. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    @faithfertility: I'm impressed with your reply! You got everyone there! This IF group is awesome. How are you feeling with your TWW?

    @mrs. polish: I'm so sorry to hear about your dogs. That is so upsetting. What is wrong with people?

    @sprite: peace to you in the TWW!

    @Mrstal: I'm so glad the RE meeting was a good thing! I'm glad you're moving on.

    @linsdayinny: good to hear that the HSG was easy for you. One more test down!

    Hope I caught everyone's updates. Remember to put a ** by info you'd like included!

    Waiting for AF
    Shutterbug: taking lupron to prepare for IVF cycle #2
    Mrs. Polish

    ThisIsMe: middle of TWW
    MrsTal: 6 dpo on Feb. 28
    BHBee: 11 dpo on Feb. 28
    Sprite: 5 dpo post IUI on Feb. 28

    MrsWin: WTF/Next steps meeting on March 18th
    Shutterbug: starting IVF
    Just_Ju: started Letrozole, mid-cycle scan on March 7
    LindsayinNY: HSG today! Feb 28
    ThisIsMe: beta March 7!
    LazyPanda: lab work this weekend
    Mrs Bunchy: Progesterone test March 5
    Babycanuck: day 3 blood work and ultrasound on Thursday

    Cycle Number Trying
    Happygal: cycle 18
    Mrs. Polish: 4 years
    Shutterbug: cycle 25
    LittleK: cycle 7

  16. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @Happygal: hahahah I tried I forget just how much this IF board makes life seem better

    I'm doing ok, some days better than others we shall see what Monday and my body brings!

  17. thisisme

    apricot / 305 posts

    @LindsayInNY: slow is exactly how I'd describe I felt. I couldn't quite process conversation fast enough! It made for some good laughs.

    @babycanuck: how come you have to wait another month tondo the sonohysterogram? Mine was done around day 5, right after day 3 blood work. Just wondering... The waiting between all the tests stinks! I wish we could just go in for one day of misery and get everything done at once!

    @FaithFertility: it's so hard not to read into those symptoms, right? Hope they're the real thing for you!

  18. lazypanda

    kiwi / 636 posts

    @HappyGal: CD 26 like @faithfertility. I'll just be getting progesterone tested. I called RE's office and they want to wait for the progesterone results before they decide on whether or not to increase my dosage and if I need to bring on a cycle followed by u/s monitoring.

    @bhbee: looking forward to your testing update tomorrow!

    @MrsPolish: I hope the pups are found safe and sound soon.

    @LindsayinNY: glad to hear HSG went well! Good luck with the SA. DH was happy that he was able to "collect" the sample at home and drop it off at the lab.

    @faithfertility: I hope your "going old school" cycle is what gives you your BFP!

    Waiting for AF
    Shutterbug: taking lupron to prepare for IVF cycle #2
    Mrs. Polish

    ThisIsMe: middle of TWW
    MrsTal: 6 dpo on Feb. 28
    BHBee: 11 dpo on Feb. 28
    Sprite: 5 dpo post IUI on Feb. 28

    MrsWin: WTF/Next steps meeting on March 18th
    Shutterbug: starting IVF
    Just_Ju: started Letrozole, mid-cycle scan on March 7
    LindsayinNY: HSG today! Feb 28
    ThisIsMe: beta March 7!
    LazyPanda: progesterone test for ovulation 3/1
    Mrs Bunchy: Progesterone test March 5
    Babycanuck: day 3 blood work and ultrasound on Thursday

    Cycle Number Trying
    Happygal: cycle 18
    Mrs. Polish: 4 years
    Shutterbug: cycle 25
    LittleK: cycle 7
    LazyPanda: cycle 8/9 (14 months)

  19. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    Well it was definitely bfn today so that was a crazy evap! I feel ok about it ... Testing early actually works for me because I go ahead and get the disappointment out early. Now my plan is to focus on more exciting things like the move and house hunting trips! And look forward if not to the clomid at least to another good chance with another iui cycle.

  20. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    @bhbee: I'm sorry friend. What a roller coaster. Yes, you do have lots to focus on with a big move! I imagine there would be a lot of choices for doctors in that area, too. Have fun learning about your new home today!

  21. babycanuck

    pomegranate / 3105 posts

    @thisisme: Something about timing in the cycle, having to do the external and internal ultrasounds first, yadda yadda yadda. I asked for them to do my internal last week but they were all booked up. TOTALLY sucks. I'm working through a "change management" plan right now which consists of getting Hubs to agree to come with me to the results appointment with the gyno in April. She wants him there and I get the impression he doesn't want to go.

    AF started today, so bloodwork on Monday and we will still try naturally in March

  22. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @bhbee: I'm sorry
    @babycanuck: booo AF

    I tested today BFN, AF isn't due till next Friday but our BD timing was awful.

  23. babycanuck

    pomegranate / 3105 posts

    @littlek: I'm ok with AF today, hubs was manstruating all month in March so BD was non-existent lol

  24. thisisme

    apricot / 305 posts

    @babycanuck: haha, mansturating! I love it! I'm sorry your doctors schedule is frustrating. And I know it's super hard when DH and I aren't exactly on the same page.

    @bhbee: sounds like you're keeping a really positive attitude! It's always good to have other things keeping you busy. I'd imagine Dallas will be quite a change from Mass.

  25. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @thisisme: it really is crazy - total red state from total blue state, super cold to super hot, for us it will also be city to suburbs. But the lower cost of living (real estate and daycare are both half the cost or less!) will be a huge bonus.

  26. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @bhbee: I love house hunting!!! You can buy a BIG house in Dallas!

  27. lazypanda

    kiwi / 636 posts

    @bhbee: I love looking at houses just to see how I would change my own once we've saved enough to remodel. The bad thing about a bigger house is that it takes longer to clean! We purposely moved to where we are in hopes of raising our future LOs with family nearby even if we have to commute. Plus child care is crazy expensive so we want to be able to utilize family if needed.

  28. mrswin

    nectarine / 2433 posts

    @FaithFertility: Hahahaha it stands for exactly what you think it does . I'm sure that's not the official name for it but I have seen a few of the other ladies refer to it as such and it seems appropriate. You have some crazy symptoms going on there lady FX for you

    @bhbee: Sorry that it was an evap after all

    @babycanuck: Good to hear that you were able to get some of the testing under way but it sucks that you have to wait a month for the next steps

    @littlek: You have lots of time left to see a BFP this cycle!

  29. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @bhbee: this stuff never gets easier, I am glad to hear you have a lot of new positive things happening in your life!

    @Mrswin: hahah I can't wait to go to my WTF appointment.....lol hopeful I won't have to!

  30. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    @MrsTal: the cruise was fun! Very relaxing. Thanks for asking.

  31. lazypanda

    kiwi / 636 posts

    @babycanuck: good luck on your CD3 blood work tomorrow.

    I need a WTF appointment now. My progesterone level was 0.5 yesterday. I guess this means I should expect my period. I plan to call the RE's office tomorrow to hopefully get some type of answer. Has anyone else experience consistently low progesterone levels?

  32. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    Almost forgot to post.

    My memory is so bad that I don't remember what we did last week. There is no way I remember what I made. I will need to ask the DH. He might know.

    Updates? Taking herbs but not doing a good job at taking them. It's so gross to drink. As for starting IVF, my tests are done. DH will be dropping off a sample on Tuesday for SA.

    I posted on the IVF thread the tentative timeline they gave me. I should be POAS around Mother's Day. Kinda exciting!

  33. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    @lazypanda: No experience with that, but I think your RE should be able to easily help with it! I'm sorry you're feeling sad and hope your RE can give you some answers. Have you taken progesterone supplements before?

    @bluestriped bee: I'll check out the IVF thread for your timeline. That is very exciting! How often are you taking the herbs?

    I just got back from visiting family. It was nice and busy. We're supposed to get more snow here, so we're off to the store to make sure we're all set for the weather!

  34. babycanuck

    pomegranate / 3105 posts

    I'm extremely nervous about my blood work and having to go to a lab tomorrow. I'm scared out of my mind of needles and the only person who has ever taken blood is my GP.

  35. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    @babycanuck: good luck! It will be fast and just remind yourself that it will give you answers to help you get that BFP.

  36. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    @faithfertility: are you still set to test tomorrow morning?

  37. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @lazypanda: I had really low levels when I first started out with weak ovulation.....that was the triggers that I needed help O ing but once I O my progesterone seems to be ok! I am sorry I forgot were you on meds??

  38. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @Happygal: kind of....lol still no AF, but I have yet to buy a HPT...maybe I'll make it out tonight, I want to use FMU so if not then I guess it will be Tuesday.......

  39. lazypanda

    kiwi / 636 posts

    @happygal: Thanks. I have never taken progesterone suppositories before. I'll definitely ask about that when I call them tomorrow. I hope you don't end up being cooped up for too long with the next snow storm.

    @faithfertility: I was on 5 mg of femara this cycle. This is my second round of meds. They may just end up increasing my meds to 7.5 mg for the next cycle.

    @babycanuck: I hate needles too. You might want to ask if they can draw your blood using the butterfly needle, its the one they use to draw blood from babies/kids. I find those much easier to look at.

  40. babycanuck

    pomegranate / 3105 posts

    @lazypanda: I won't look at it for sure, either way, I'm just worried I'll get a tech that doesn't know what they're doing and will hurt me more than anything. I will be telling them when I get in that I need to lay down to do it.

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