pomegranate / 3533 posts
@LindsayInNY: Negativity is okay! We've all had days like that. I really hope that IUI works for you!!!
Here's to starting a new cycle!
pear / 1556 posts
@mrswin: So exciting! You're almost there!
@LindsayInNY: I'm sorry! We all go through months where we are much more negative than others, so you definitely don't have to apologize! I know how it feels to have that anxiety of knowing people are getting married and TTC right away. I hate that I even worry about that. I have gotten better with accepting that as the years have gone on. I pretty much just assume people are going to get pregnant before I will, as sad as that is. It really isn't there! I hope you get your BFP soon!!!
@just_ju: That's great! I'm excited for you that you are getting started so soon!
@bluestriped bee: I am SO sorry! HUGS! I really hope you get your BFP before Disney too! Disney is one of my favorite places. I know you'll have a wonderful time! I am also sorry your DH is having such a difficult time as well. I know this is awful but for me, I need DH to stay strong so I don't completely lose it when we have a failed cycle. I know that isn't fair, but when he gets really down it makes me fall apart. It is so hard for me to see him so sad, so I can imagine how that feels for you too.
@FliegepilzHut: Oooh twins would be so exciting!!! Eeek!
IF has definitely changed me. Almost too much to put into words. I find myself changing even more now that we have hit 3 years TTC. Fortunately though, this last 6 months I have been much better. Some of that bitterness and jealousy has started to fade, as well as the depression. I feel better. I don't know what that is. I don't know if it's acceptance, if I am just in a better place in my life...whatever it is, I am grateful that I have a little bit of peace because I have been so down for so long.
IF hasn't necessarily made me more sympathetic towards others because I have always been very sympathetic. I think it probably is because I have a chronically ill younger sister who has Down Syndrome. She has taught me more about patience, life and what is really important than anything else has.
IF has definitely changed me in other ways, not all of them bad by the way. I don't know if I can accurately express all of them. One bad way was that it made me more jealous, but I find that is slowly starting to fade, though I know it will never go away completely.
IF has made me more aware of people around me. While I have always been sympathetic, it has made me more in tune with the fact that people have battles every day they are dealing with, that most people don't know about. I try to make sure to treat others especially well (even more so than before) because you never know what someone else is going through.
IF has made me realize I can't control everything. That has been a very hard lesson for me. I am a planner. I like to plan things out many steps ahead. I planned out college, grad school, our wedding, where we would buy our house, how much we needed to save for that, etc. etc. I now am starting to accept (sort of) that this is one thing I can't control. I am getting a little better about not being so hard on myself (no my IVF didn't fail because I had that one doughnut, etc.). Control will always be an issue for me, but this has taught me some lessons for sure.
As for me, DH and I have our follow-up appointment with RE this afternoon (3:00). I am incredibly nervous about it. I think I am afraid of two things: 1. That she will tell me there is nothing else they can do for me, 2. That she will tell me that the only reason it failed is because I am overweight. I try SO hard to lose weight (and have lost 50 lbs), but it takes me a while. PCOS and hypothyroidism don't make it any easier! I already blame myself for a lot of things, I just don't want to come out of there feeling like I failed even more.
eggplant / 11861 posts
How hasn't IF changed my life is the question!
In so many ways good/bad......
1.It has broken/restored my faith so many times I lost track
2. Made me see how sometimes even family can't help you
3. Showed what friends truly care and who could care less of your life
4. Showed me the my relationship with DH is TRULY more important then any another in my life...it is him and I
5.So many people go through life thinking things "just happen" and have never had a long for anything in their life and if they did it was a material passion, these people are the most ignorant and I truly just pray they somehow see life is not so easy for others
6. To keep options to myself, if someone comes to you just to vent or share their story........I will never say "If it were me...." unless asked ...because truthfully even if it was you your not that person so it will never be the same scenario
7.Keep faith....faith in something, I am not saying you have to have faith in God, but something that keeps you going,
But don't think that is all you need, if you need meds take them, need a dr ...go, need a procedure get it.......but remain focused on your faith
8. That there still are wonderful caring people on this world!!!!!
9.If you had IF or struggled at all to get PG, it will change your pregnancy and I am sure your parenting
Prayers and love to all
pomegranate / 3533 posts
your compassion and insight! Hope you have a really good appt today!
@FaithFertility: Absolutely, #6 (even though that's so hard)!!! It stuns me how ignorant we can be of others' circumstances...and how it's impossible to know what you would do in a situation. We're all shaped be the experiences that get us to that point in the first place!
to you, your DH, and your LO!!!
nectarine / 2705 posts
Infertility has definitely changed the way I see others. I am always reminding myself of that quote that's floating out there, "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."
Whether you are trying for your first child, your second, or any other number of miracles - I think that the one thing that comes from infertility is strength. You learn how strong you are. And how to handle the hard things in life. I've learned that even after surviving infertility and having our first child, there are a whole new set of struggles to face in parenthood. And from time to time, I tap in to the strength I found through infertility.
And now as we approach the edge of infertility treatments again for #2, I'm gearing up for more strength training
eggplant / 11861 posts
@FliegepilzHut: Thank you, same to you and your little one ones
bananas / 9229 posts
@sweetooth: Thank you I hope that IUI is all I need... I hate this negativity and I hate the thought of what will happen and what I'll feel if SIL is pregnant right away. It's such a sucky thing to feel/think.
@FliegepilzHut: The negativity is one thing when it's acquaintances or even friends. Even worse when it's family though...
pomegranate / 3533 posts
@LindsayInNY: I totally understand. Do you have the kind of relationship with brother or SIL that you could tell them how you're feeling? Please don't be hard on yourself!!!
bananas / 9229 posts
@FliegepilzHut: Not really... SIL (and the whole family) knows we're struggling to get pregnant and they're supportive but I also don't think they really get the sensitive nature of the whole situation/topic. Apparently SIL commented to MIL in some point about being a surrogate for us?? But, otherwise I can't even imagine telling her that I would be upset (or whatever other emotions) if she got pregnant first. I don't think she's thought about any of that/us (and I guess I don't blame her? I don't know). I want to be like, have your first big relationship fight before deciding to start a family!! You two barely know one another yet! The feelings are more selfish than anything... It's our "thing" to have - the first grand kid, our spotlight. I don't want to share that with her or be second to her. The kicker was learning that she's using a "period app." I wanted to be like ummm do you really know how those work?! I want to tell her to prevent an oops-early baby but also don't want to tell her how to know when timing is good. Again, selfish, but does that make sense?
cherry / 195 posts
@owlteach: the jealousy bit really isn't fun, makes me feel like a grade-A jerk, but I've heard a million times from so many people, jealousy is a natural part of this process, and the fact that you notice it and want to change it is a step in the right direction
@mrswin: I'm sure the BCP bit will fly by ... Excited and nervous about what will happen after! And the job is a blast, although a little trying at times. I really love the family, and that makes it a lot easier on the rough days
@Sunshine1810: we've been planning on an August cycle since the beginning of June - it felt like ages away then, and now it's right around the corner!
@FliegepilzHut: so exciting to see your news, and I'll be interested to hear if it's one or two!
@bluestriped bee: sorry to hear about the BFN, I hope you guys are able to squeeze in an IUI before Disney.
@LindsayInNY: just wanted to say I completely understand the emotions about the first grandchild, etc being your "thing" - even after trying for almost 3 years, twice as long as brother and SIL have been married, they got pregnant first, *and* she had my mom in the the delivery room, so that won't even be "mine." It sucks, and it's selfish, but it's a natural part of the struggle we were saddled with, I think.
ETA: I forgot to include today's update that's a bit TMI - woke up this morning (CD19) and it seems like AF is here already. I'm so confused (and a bit irritated, because really???). Most recent cycle needed Provera to start and AF stuck around for like a week, and now an early AF ... It's just so weird.
bananas / 9229 posts
@just_ju: If the whole situation becomes real life, I might have to reach out to you... DH and I have been together 8 years, married 4 years. SIL and fiance just met/started dating THIS March. As in FOUR months ago. (You can see why my emotions are all arghhh over this).
cherry / 195 posts
@LindsayInNY: 4 months ... Ouch! If you ever need me, I am totally here for you
bananas / 9229 posts
@just_ju: Yep! I don't know what the rush is... Engaged after 1 - 1 1/2 months dating, just bought a house, marrying in September... That's not even enough time to have a big fight!! Get to know one another before starting a family... (My two cents of course).
cherry / 195 posts
@LindsayInNY: I agree. You don't really know a person until you've lived with them for a while. Dating, engaged, living together and married within the span of 6 months is crazy to me.
grapefruit / 4703 posts
I feel like I know just what you're going through. My new RE did suggest that losing weight could help my odds after two failed IVF cycles, and it was TOUGH to hear. I hope that your appointment went well, and I'm here to talk if you want to wall me! Also, aren't you in NH? I'm in MA!
nectarine / 2433 posts
Ladies....thank you all so much for sharing how IF has affected your life. My wish is that we are all able to move on from this phase of our lives soon
persimmon / 1479 posts
@FliegepilzHut and @mrswin: Thank you
@sweetooth: love that quote! Everybody goes through something.
@lindsayinnny: Your thoughts make perfect sense! I've thought so many of those same thoughts. I feel so much anger to people who don't have to use opks or temp (let alone IUI or IVF) and get pregnant so easily. One of my friend's told me that I should "really start using opks" and that it really helped them get pregnant the 2nd month they were ttc. I just wanted to scream at her that I've spent sooooooooo much money on opks. Ugh......part of me can't be mad because I think she thought she was giving a really "helpful" suggestion...
I'm officially on the TWW! UIU went well this morning. I was a nervous nellie for no reason
pomegranate / 3533 posts
@LindsayInNY: Ugh... I totally get where you're coming from...and perceive that (really short courtship) as a recipe for disaster. Is this your younger or older brother? My only other suggestion, if it's your younger brother...and I might do this anyway, because I'm meddlesome...would be taking your brother aside and just saying "I'm really happy for you...but have you and SIL considered holding off on having kids for a little while, to enjoy your time as a married couple, get comfortable in your new life together...or whatever." I'm so sorry that you're dealing with this...but maybe your brother would appreciate your concern? I hope so. Just an idea.
eggplant / 11861 posts
@winter_wonder: Yay, glad to hear!!!!! Praying for a quick and successful TTW
eggplant / 11861 posts
@LindsayInNY: Girl, your feelings are so valid....I felt that way when friends or people I knew that got married after us got PG first, or even people that were not married, even though I know its 2014 it made me so mad......
Yours is family so I am sure that ups the feelings
pomegranate / 3105 posts
I'm freaking out a little bit...no signs of O with the OPKs and the ultrasound tech doesn't say anything. I'm worried I won't ovulate before Thursday which is results day. BOO.
nectarine / 2433 posts
@babycanuck: I understand that the ultrasound tech isn't supposed to say anything but do you not see a nurse when you go in for monitoring? Or does someone call you later in the day to let you know the results of your blood work?
pomegranate / 3105 posts
@mrswin: they don't call me when I go in. They said they would call me when I could stop coming in eod aka ovulated.
nectarine / 2433 posts
@babycanuck: Are they taking blood every time? Will they let you know when you start to surge for timed intercourse? I would ask to speak with a nurse when you are there next and clarify. It is unusual that you would have monitoring (even for diagnosis) and not tell you what is happening....
pomegranate / 3105 posts
@mrswin: I am...they didn't say anything about TI this time around, just evaluation. I'm going to make sure when I go in tomorrow that I let the receptionist know I want to speak to the nurse and find out how my body is progressing. Thanks for this
pomegranate / 3105 posts
WOO!! Positive OPK so hopefully after tomorrow no more daily testing
persimmon / 1479 posts
@lazypanda: @owlteach @mrswin and @fliegeilzhut: thank you!
@lazypanda: I'm so glad to hear acupuncture went well! I also think it's super interesting what they said about a "slippery, rolling" pulse. Very interesting!
I see my acupuncturist weekly. She said I don't need to come the week of AF....but since I never know when AF is coming it makes it confusing.
kiwi / 636 posts
@babycanuck: woohoo for the positive OPK! good luck at tomorrow's monitoring!
pomegranate / 3105 posts
Nurse said I'm very close to ovulation and to come in to test again Wednesday. Told them I'm keeping my Thursday appt unless I hear otherwise.
pear / 1986 posts
@babycanuck: That's great news!!!
@winter_wonder: Hope all is going well with you!
Hope everyone had a great weekend!
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