hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
@TheSwissWifeStyle: Yup. Last year, I had some cherries laying around and love mojitos, so mixed the two. Yup, hoping to be in the TWW in Disney.
nectarine / 2152 posts
This is such a random drive-by but I just wanted to let everyone here know I still read the IF threads and cheer so hard when someone gets a BFP. It's been two years since I was in many of your guys' shoes and I recognize so many of the emotions you all are going through, I think the psychological and emotional effects of IF are quite long-lasting! So, basically, while I was lucky enough to 'move on', I certainly haven't forgotten how hard it was and I'm sending you all good and 'positive' thoughts! I know it will happen for each of you here, I only hope it's as soon as possible!
hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
@Trailmix: Thanks for stopping by!! I miss seeing some of the old IF 'faces'. Hope you are doing well!!
pomegranate / 3809 posts
Hi everyone, I've sucked at keeping up this week, but gonna try to catch up tonight. It's been crazy at work and I barely have an hour to eat and wind down at home before going to bed.
But we had our IVF consent appointment yesterday. I guess we're moving forward with that. Now that it's kinda real, I'm a little freaked out by it. The risks kinda scare me now, the what if it doesn't work, the pain.
pear / 1986 posts
@Jenn23: @Sunshine1810: @TheSwissWifeStyle: @FaithFertility: @mrs. bird: @Sunshine1810: @MrsMcD: @winter_wonder: @bhbee: @lazypanda: @mrswin: @LindsayInNY: Thank you everyone! We are cautiously optimistic for the 1st beta on Thursday!
@lazypanda: No, this is my third IVF cycle technically. I did not have a successful fresh cycle, had my daughter (13 months) from my first frozen, and this is now the second frozen. I had moderate OHSS during my fresh cycle and was fairly sick, so we weren't too surprised that it didn't work.
@Trailmix: I totally agree with you about the long lasting effects of IF. I still feel a sting with every announcement because it brings me right back to the difficult times.
@TheSwissWifeStyle: Xoxo!!
@PurplePumps: I know it is a lot to process, but also so exciting!! And definitely worth it. When are you hoping to start?
pomelo / 5000 posts
@GreenThumb: congrats! So exciting.
I still read everyday and really love this group. I try to be sensitive about posting here too often though b/c of those tricky IF feelings when you're still in the thick of it. I get it.
bananas / 9229 posts
Looking for input... A friend of mine started TTC #2 just before we started TTC #1 (December 2012). I found out she was pregnant in January of February of this year, due in September. Took her just around a year, I believe. I think she was successful after an unknown PCOS diagnosis along with some thyroid issues. She knew we were TTC at the time too. Every so often she'll text me to say hi and ask how we are and how things are. I take that to mean how are TTC things? I'm totally open about our journey but now that we're getting closer to IUI, I'm iffy on everyone knowing what's happening when because whenever we're ultimately pregnant, I'd like to be able to keep it a secret for awhile. How do I respond and/or handle questions like these? Do I pretend we're not doing IUI or that it was unsuccessful?
hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
@LindsayInNY: It sounds like you want to keep it private. So I would be brief and not talk about it.
Do you know if she did IUIs to conceive? Maybe she is trying to support you and see how you are doing. It could be nice to have someone who understand the process.
Though, I don't think I told anyone IRL about my first IUI. I think the second IUI is when I told my younger sister about it. She is familiar with TTC lingo so it was easier talking to her about it.
bananas / 9229 posts
@bluestriped bee: I do and I don't... I guess I just don't want people asking for updates down the road? She did not do IUIs. She was prescribed Metformin and that did the trick for her. I know she's trying to support me for sure though!
hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
@LindsayInNY: Yeah, people asking questions on how the IUI went, can be one of the down sides. Especially after a BFN. I would keep this one private, then.
persimmon / 1479 posts
@LindsayInNY: I feel like I'm kind of in the same boat. I have two close friends who know our IF struggle but I haven't mentioned anything about my IUI. When they ask me about what the next step is I just tell them that DH and I are still talking about options and we aren't sure yet. I know this isn't very forthcoming, but I just don't feel ready to tell anyone about it yet.
Good luck with whatever you decide to do
pomegranate / 3809 posts
@LindsayInNY: I think if you want to keep it private you can just say we're still trying, and looking into options and leave it at that. I wouldn't lie and say a treatment didn't work though, for me, I feel like I'd jinx it if it worked and I told people it didn't. I have not told anyone we were even trying except for one friend, and she knows that we are trying IVF next month. She will know pretty much immediately if it happens, but I trust that she wont say anything to anyone else. It kind of nice to have the one real life outlet for this.
nectarine / 2433 posts
@LindsayInNY: Like some of the other ladies have mentioned I have been very vague with people about where we are with our treatment plans so that we can keep it to ourselves when we do get a BFP.
@PurplePumps: I totally know that feeling. Once we made the decision to go ahead with IVF I was terrified. I have been doing acupuncture and seeing a therapist during which have helped me to remain pretty level headed so far. I would encourage you to explore some things you can do to help manage the stress of the IVF cycle.
nectarine / 2433 posts
@lazypanda: @winter_wonder: @LindsayInNY: Thanks ladies!
The ER went well today, the prelim count was 17 eggs retrieved but they will let me know how many were actually mature and how many fertilized. The procedure wasn't too bad overall, moderate discomfort and some serious pinching during the extraction. It took less that 15 minutes for the whole procedure
pear / 1986 posts
@mrswin: So glad to hear it went well today! 17 sounds perfect and I can't wait to hear about your fertilization report!! You were awake during the ER? I'm glad it didn't hurt too much!! They put me out, so I don't remember a thing.
pear / 1986 posts
@PurplePumps: I also agree with @mrswin:. Acupuncture really helped a lot with my stress levels. And actually @LindsayInNY: talking to my acupuncturist every week was kind of like therapy for me, since I wanted to talk about it, but didn't really want to talk to friends.
grapefruit / 4703 posts
@mrswin: congrats! Were you awake for the ER? 17 is a great number!
nectarine / 2433 posts
@GreenThumb: @Shutterbug: Hahaha yep! They gave me a mild sedative and something for pain, they call it twilight sedation. They were talking to me and my SO during the whole procedure. I thought it was normal to be awake but apparently not
bananas / 9229 posts
@PurplePumps: @mrswin: I like your suggestions about saying we're still trying and looking into options. I basically avoided the question when I replied to her lol. I'm fairly open with people in real life about our struggles and that helps. But now that we're at the "next step" phase, I want to keep that a bit to myself.
@mrswin: What a great number!! Can't wait for your next update!
kiwi / 636 posts
@mrswin: whoa! 17! FX that they mature & the transfer goes well!
@LindsayInNY: I've told friends that no news is good news. That if at some point I needed to vent to them, I would but sometimes it gets hard always being asked about how things are going. My friends got it when I told them & have been supportive. They don't check in every month but have been good at casually seeing how I'm doing if I seem to be in a funk.
pomegranate / 3809 posts
@GreenThumb: I'll be starting right after this cycle. We had a vacation planned for beginning of Aug, so I decided to do a natural cycle and then IVF.
@mrswin: wow, 17 does sound great!
Did you guys *really* feel a difference with the acupuncture? My husband has been thinking about it for his back pain, so maybe we can try it together. What is it like?
kiwi / 636 posts
@PurplePumps: acupuncture was super relaxing! I totally fell asleep after the needles were put in. I had a half hour nap with soothing/relaxing music (think Anya & sounds of a babbling brook or stream of water), a heat lamp on my legs & the table was heated too. I was so worried about the "needles" but they weren't very large at all. I came away from my session feeling hopeful & refreshed. It also reconfirmed my need to take a longer break from clomid. I'm actually looking forward to my next appt on Thursday! Hopefully I'll have my BFP by then, if not, I hope she'll have some answers regarding what's going on with my body.
persimmon / 1479 posts
@PurplePumps: I agree with LazyPanda that it's very relaxing. I'm not sure if it's in my head, but some weeks I feel calmer than others.
Also, I find it really interesting some of it's very, very different than Western medicine, but I feel like it can't hurt! Maybe just try an initial session and see what you think
hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
@PurplePumps: same with others. I looove accupunture. I'm not bothered by needles, though. It's always a good session when you fall asleep. If you can get past the needle part, it can be quite enjoyable.
grape / 78 posts
Hey Bees,
Sheesh but I have been MIA, trying to catch up on everyone's news now Following my lap I took 2 days downtime, then DH and I had a 3 day expo that our business was taking part in. I propped myself up on painkillers and got through it and finally felt back to my old self from about Sunday. Aside from the (TMI) hectic thrush that turned up following the lap. And AF has started which doesn't help the aforementioned situation.
Either :
a) AF is good news that ovary blasting kicked the buggers into motion or
b) AF is random bleeding as womb has only just noticed it had a d&c.
Follow up appt tomorrow to check hormone levels, I'm keen to see what the ovaries are up to too. I cannot wait to get these stitches removed - I literally nearly fainted when i took the plaster off my belly button! It just looks so macabre to have stitches in your belly button, and I'm not normally squeamish! DH and I have taken to calling it Frankenbelly, which may stick as an all encompassing nickname for the dodgey lady bits that are giving us such a rough time!
First IVF consult is NEXT TUES. I'm actually feeling excited!
pomegranate / 3105 posts
ok so I def ovulated.
7/30 = progesterone bloodwork
8/12 = results day so far away.
I have a really really really stupid question. We've obviously still been trying naturally while waiting for results. IF by some weird miracle I did get KU, would the EOD u/s mess with implantation, etc.?
persimmon / 1404 posts
Sorry I've been MIA for a while, it's been hard just starting a new job and trying to get on here. I'll try to catch up with what's going on with everyone!
As for me, we decided to take a break from TTC for a while. During that time we started to really look at what we have and really appreciate everything, we talked a lot and realized that we're both ok with not having kids. We felt as though there's so much pressure to have one because that's what you're supposed to do, that we didn't even think of the alternative. We realized how happy we are just the two of us (and our furbabies!) and we have so much to enjoy together. For the first time in a long time I felt relaxed and at peace and so excited and optimistic about our future together.
Then, my period was late. Super late. 6 days. I'm every 28 days like clockwork. I took a cheap pregnancy test that I had in the house and it showed up positive immediately with two very strong lines. I then took two more, both different brands and again, two immediate strong lines on each of them. I started shaking and freaked out and ran downstairs to finally say those two words to my husband.... "I'm pregnant". He didn't want to believe it but the sparkle in his eyes said it all, he was estatic. I was still freaking out worrying about what if's.... what if I hurt the baby when I was drinking on the weekend, what if I miscarry again, what if I don't like the baby when it gets older (I'm not the greatest with kids), what if I hate being pregnant, what if I'm too selfish to be a good parent. I felt scared and nervous and also a little excited.
My husband was super excited but cautious and so he wanted me to test on some different brands. We went out and got more pregnancy tests. ALL NEGATIVE! Not pregnant.
I feel so confused and almost blank. It was such a rollercoaster of emotions and I feel like I hugely let my husband down. He was so excited and happy! I have cramps today so my period is on its way. It feels like those three tests I took were just cruel jokes.
nectarine / 2433 posts
@babycanuck: Are you still going to be getting a EOD U/S during your TWW?? It shouldn't be an issue because the ultrasound wand is near your cervix and doesn't affect the uterus at all.
@Robyn_ZA: Hopefully it is AF and your body is getting on track. Good luck at your consult next week. Don't worry about the stitches, mine looked awful when the Band-Aid first came off but now you can't even really tell unless you know what you are looking for!
@PurplePumps: I really like the acupuncture, it helped me to have a more normal flow during AF (TMI sorry!) and regulate my LP when we were trying naturally. When they put the needles in it feels like a tiny pin prick and I usually do a meditation CD while I lay there
nectarine / 2433 posts
Cross posting from the IVF thread
Got my first fertilization report...
17 retrieved
16 "normal" - ICSI used on all
11 fertilized
*4 on watch - may still fertilize
Now I have to wait to see what they say tomorrow...
pomegranate / 3105 posts
@mrswin: Nope, finished today (CD16), pretty sure I O'd yesterday. I wasn't sure if it would affect the swimmers in there today lol
pomelo / 5000 posts
@alohaorchid: heartbreaking and a punch to the stomach! So sorry you went through that. Ouch.
@mrswin: I'm cheering you on big time, my friend! Looking forward to many more positive updates from you.
nectarine / 2600 posts
@alohaorchid: omg I'm so sorry for that roller-coaster. Did you go to the doctor at all, after getting the positives?
hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
@Robyn_ZA: Sorry about the thrush and sending good thoughts that AF is good news! Hope you heal well with those stitches. Frankenbelly! Haha. Cute! I'm excited for your IVF consult next week!
@babycanuck: I have no idea. I would ask your RE.
@alohaorchid: Oh, no! I'm so sorry about the roller coaster of emotions for you. I was happy and really happy then sad for you. Sending lots of your way.
@mrswin: Woohoo. Thanks for the report. I don't know much about IVF but those numbers look great to me!
nectarine / 2192 posts
I'm dipping my toes in here to test the water...
I'm now in cycle 17, trying since May 2013. I have been temping, consistently O, borderline LP (10-12 days). Normal CD3 labs 7 months ago, normal SA. We tried progesterone for 3 months- very irritable and no baby. I have been under a TON of job stress, and DH is convinced that is what it is. I quit my job and have some time off to relax before I start my new one. I also did acupuncture on CD4, and she said my spleen meridian (one of the 3 main fertility meridians) was off, and that is now fixed. I also stopped temping last cycle at DH's insistence since it was stressing me out, and my cycles are regular anyway. AF came early, giving me a 20 day cycle- I am assuming it was anovulatory. I have been charting for over 2 years, and have never had an anovulatory cycle. I don't get it, since less stress and acupuncture should improve my cycle, not make it worse. I am also worried that since I am 34 and this never happens, that it might be a sign my eggs are dwindling. I am so frustrated. I don't want to do IUI or IVF (not judging anyone else, just don't feel it is right for us), so I am not sure I belong on this board. DH and I are going to have a conversation next week (after my emotions have calmed down some) about where we go from here- whether we keep trying on our own, go the HSG/femara route, or decide to be happy with life as it is and NTNP. I'm a mess.
hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
@AmeliaBedilia: Welcome! So sorry you had to join us. I know there a few IFers (who are now pregnant or had a child already) who did not want to go down the IUI and IVF route. So don't feel out of place here. (We all know that some treatments are off the table and others are and it's all a personal choice and we respect that. ) I know a lot of us go down that IUI/IVF route here in this thread but hoping you get support from others in your position. (If there is a current IFer in this category right now and that has been posting in the check-in thread and I forgot, I'm sorry. My memory is horrible.) Maybe you can create a thread asking for current and IF graduates who did not want to persue IUI/IVF and ask them what they did. That may help.
nectarine / 2705 posts
@AmeliaBedilia: Hello I just wanted to follow-up on what @bluestriped bee said, there are some IF ladies who went the naturopath route. Right now I can think of @Mrs.Oatmeal and @Mrs.Someone
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