I'm seeing a lot of people saying they wouldn't pay for their LOs education.. So just curious if you had the money readily available to pay for your LOs college, would you still not pay for your LOs college?
I'm seeing a lot of people saying they wouldn't pay for their LOs education.. So just curious if you had the money readily available to pay for your LOs college, would you still not pay for your LOs college?
GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts
I would 100% fund education. No question. Probably even grad school.
nectarine / 2272 posts
Of course!! A million times over. Both my husband and i have struggled so much paying for school. I'll be paying until i'm 50 at this rate.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
I would if she was getting good grades. I would make her work and earn her own spending money.
pomelo / 5257 posts
Absolutely. No question. I don't want my kid saddled with debt for years because of our broken education system here in the U.S.
GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts
I still wouldn't pay for ALL of it. We want to help as much as we can. If we could afford to pay for all of it I would probably pay for a good chunk but still make them work PT.
I think you appreciate something a lot more when YOU have to work hard for it. DH worked full time through college and still got a 4.0 GPA. I qualified for federal aid so I worked PT while going to school FT. Was it hard? yes. Did I appreciate it more? Yes.
College is a privilege that a lot of kids in other parts of this world or even here in the US don't get. I want my kids to know this.
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
@hotchildinthecity: @septca: I agree 100%. I would not want my LO to start their life struggling to payoff ridiculously large school loans.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts
Yep! I think what we will do is not tell them about the money and then pay off any student loans they have.
hostess / papaya / 10540 posts
As long as I had a good kid I would happily pay. I don't want him starting his adult life in debt unnecessarily. I'd rather he save his money for a home after he graduates and has a good job.
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
@locavore_mama: my parents paid 100% of college and I graduated in the top 25% of my business school. So, I tend to disagree that I "appreciated" my education less.
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@Smurfette: I agree with this. Paying for an education does not mean you have a mommy and daddy credit card. You are still working towards learning how to be an adult and need to learn those money life lessons too.
hostess / papaya / 10540 posts
@locavore_mama: My only worry with that type of logic is that I don't want my LO to avoid going to college because of fear of the debt after.
No one paid a dime for my college. I worked my tail off through college, but had to work because of it. It was tough when there were times that work had to come first because I feel like school should have been, especially since graduating was so important to me. I also feel like because I had to work so much I didn't enjoy college like others, which is part why I would never want to go back. College also took me a bit longer and left me with nothing saved for a future like a wedding, home, etc.
DH on the other hand didn't have to pay a penny for his college, and only occasionally worked because he wanted to save money for his future. He was super appreciative, always a good kid, and is a great man now.
We have a college savings started as well as my in-laws. We don't want money to be an excuse for our kids to not get an education.
papaya / 10343 posts
Not 100%. I'd want them to work during school and maybe also take some small loans. I MIGHT, depending on how well they did in school and how serious they were about it, pay off those loans as a graduation gift if I could afford to. But I wouldn't want them to know I was going to do that ahead of time.
hostess / wonderful honeydew / 32460 posts
We plan on paying for their education. They'll have to work for extra spending money.
honeydew / 7230 posts
It's a priority for us to pay for their education and we've planned for years (uh, thanks IF for the extra time on that one) so that we can do it eventually. I'd give up a lot of other luxuries in order to pay for their college, but I understand that's not an option for everyone.
GOLD / watermelon / 14076 posts
Absolutely. We've started saving already, so I hope we can pay 100% of her tuition (at least undergrad).
nectarine / 2272 posts
@locavore_mama: i would have worked hard either way because i wouldnt have gotten stuck with the debt until after graduation. I worked through undergrad for food/gas/spending money and i worked full time getting my graduate degree. But here i am, saddled with a mountain of student loans.
ETA: We both had scholarships for undergrad, and it is still a staggering amount of money that we owe. But neither of our parents were low income enough to qualify for financial aid.
GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts
@littlek: you are very lucky! I don't come from a world where parents can afford to help with ANY of college. So if we can afford to even help then I'm doing better than my parents did.
I think my experiences helped shape my decision in this matter as did yours. Your parents are lucky then that you were not one of the kids that shitted their college years away partying.
But honestly this is a hypothetical question for me. There will never come a day where we would be able to afford to pay for their full college education. That's not our economic bracket and it's certainly not a factor for us in deciding to have kids or not.
Yes, we have college debt but it's not ridiculous. I think taking on a education that means a huge debt is also a adult decision to make that you live with later on in life.
grapefruit / 4731 posts
Hm... tough tough tough @locavore_mama: my parents paid for my way through college and I'm still very grateful for it. I did pay for my last year since I got a part time job in my field that made enough for me to support myself. I'm very grateful for not having the debt.
If I had all the money in the world I think I would pay for LO's education because it is a big deal to not have that debt looming over him. I have seen it stress out a lot of friends and co-workers.
pomelo / 5257 posts
@locavore_mama: I don't really think paying for it all yourself is required in order to truly appreciate the privilege of going to college. My parents paid for about half my undergrad -- I am very thankful for that and grateful to have opportunities that I know not everyone in this country or others get. I don't think paying the other half would increase my appreciation, just my debt...
pear / 1610 posts
We would probably pay for at least most of it. I kind of like what @Leialou suggests about not telling them but paying off the loans. Maybe we would tell them we would pay half and secretly have the other half for after they graduate? Sometimes I feel like our culture is just encouraging this sense of entitlement and I would want our children to understand that they need to work hard for certain things in life. I would love to be able to bless them with paying for their schooling, but I don't want to have them feel like they deserve a free ride just because. I would also want them to really think about what they are going to school for and make wise choices in that sense, not just go to college because everyone else does.
ETA: I am not saying that having your college paid for means that you felt entitled or will make your children feel that way, it is just something that my DH and I think about and have encountered some with college kids these days.
squash / 13764 posts
We hope to pay for all of it! I personally don't think that paying/not paying necessarily impacts the value placed on school, unless maybe your parents are insanely wealthy and you know that the 100k is a drop in the bucket for them; then maybe there would be less concern about doing well? But if that's the case there's probably a trust fund floating around too in case college doesn't pan out
hostess / papaya / 10540 posts
@chopsuey: That worked really well for my DH and we hope to do the same for our LOs!
GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts
TBH the concept of a parent paying for a child's education is completely foreign to me and a moot point in my life.
You are all lucky that you are in a position to do so and your parents were too!
GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts
Reading the other comments made me want to elaborate - as long as LOs were taking school seriously, I would absolutely pay for every part of college (tuition, room and board, reasonable amount of fun money). College - to my mind - is about more than an education. It's really the only time in your life when you have freedom without responsibility. I want to give that to my kids as my parents did for me.
Grad school is a bit different. My parents and I split the bill - they wanted me to be "in" by having a stake in the game and wanted to be sure I was committed. I hate having loans, but they are manageable.
persimmon / 1171 posts
I wouldn't pay for it up front, but their graduation present would be to pay off any loans they took out. I wouldn't want to pay if for some reason they dropped out or stopped going.
hostess / papaya / 10540 posts
@locavore_mama: Lol it is for me also, so I can relate. Just don't want my LOs to struggle like I did.
blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts
I would, but I would do something creative like a friend of mine.
Her parents made her pay for her first year university, and if she did well (I think 80% grades), they paid her back and funded the rest of the school. This way, she worked her butt off instead of partying, and learned the value of education.
coconut / 8498 posts
I would pay for loans after the fact as long as they're not just screwing around.
GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts
@hellocupcake: @redsmarties: haha love these ideas instead of just paying for it all carte blanche! If I ever won the lottery as a gazillionaire.
pomegranate / 3809 posts
Absolutely. My parents paid for mine and I'm so thankful for that. It really gave me such a leg up in terms of saving and buying a home.
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
Yep and we plan to. They'll work and intern too but don't want debt to hold them down once they're done with school.
I was an idiot w college tuition, my parents didn't pay for all of it because they couldn't, not because they chose not to. I worked serving jobs, paid for my car, apt, school, and had debt. I don't think college kids are def going to appreciate more cuz they have to pay for it. It's a maturity issue. Not an issue of whether parents paid or not. I have numerous friends who had their tuition paid in full (including DH) who are extremely successful, not entitled, and work hard BECAUSE their parents paid for it.
Some kids just learn the hard way about money. I was one of them. And worked my ass off to get myself out of it. So ill gladly help our lo(s) any way we can. We do fully expect them to work pt jobs and intern etc for their careers, etc. I also wouldn't pay if they didn't take college seriously, because it isn't a right, it IS a privilege.
coconut / 8234 posts
I would 100% pay for LO's education in full if money was no issue. She would still have to work because I believe it's important to learn about the world of work early on and she'd have to get good grades.
I was on my own for college and I hate the large amount of debt I have, I don't want my LO to start off her adult life with a lot of debt so yeah, I'd pay. And I come from a family where a lot of people didn't go to college or paid their own way.
pomelo / 5607 posts
I'm with those who would pay 100%. I'm not sure if I'd insist on them working for their spending money or not. I can see the merit of it, but I'd also rather they focus on school and getting good grades. I might have some sort of deal where I don't give them spending money if they don't make the grades, but I'll continue to supply the necessities no matter what? And probably insist they work in the summer if they don't continue classes during that time.
pineapple / 12234 posts
Not 100%. Probably three-quarters of it though. I don't think there's anything wrong with working to pay off debt and learning responsibility.
coconut / 8475 posts
@chopsuey: this.
They will be adults, so I'm not paying for the dates, the parties or the speeding tickets. That's their problem
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