Hello! A quick background on myself.... DH and I started TTC even before our wedding because we knew we would have a hard time given my medical history (PCOS, ovarian cyst removals all in my teenage years). This was 3 years ago. We tried for a year, did 2 unsuccessful rounds of clomid, and decided to take a break from the treatment. We continued to TTC on our own and now seeing an RE again. So, 3 years with off/on infertility treatment. We did all the testing and I just don't ovulate - everything else looks great.

We started seeing a new RE and she's very open with whatever course of treatment we decide to take. After another failed clomid (ovulated but no conception) round, we want to kick it up a notch and get more aggressive with the treatment.

I thought IUI would be a logical next step, but the RE recommended against it since DH has super swimmers. Thoughts?!? She's more than willing to let us try it, but she warned she didn't think it would be successful. Based on her advice, we either continue the clomid or go for the IVF.

I'd love to hear your thoughts or suggestions for other options we might have no considered at this point that worked for you...... Also to note, we have 6 IUI's paid for and 1 round of IVF through insurance. Super thankful for that!!