Hellobee Boards


If you had a doula...

  1. MoonMoon

    pomegranate / 3393 posts

    I really liked my doulas. The one we interviewed and hired had another client with a due date close to ours, so she had a back-up doula, who was in training. Both ended up being present for my labor, and I loved them and credit them for much of my positive experience.

    I never felt they were anti-doctor or anti-hospital, but it was nice to get their take on things and learn some facts to prepare for labor. They knew that my baby was posterior, so they really helped with my back labor, with counter pressure, heat, etc. They had things I didn't want (like ice packs) and they didn't push then on me. They gave my husband and me space when we needed it. They acted as intermediaries on my behalf-the nurse on call said I couldn't use the tub because my water had broken, but they spoke with the Dr on call to authorize it. They were just the perfect combination of hands on and respectful of my space, and had really gotten to know me beforehand, which I really appreciated.

    The only thing I don't care for is that my doula is really into placenta encapsulation, which is totally not my cup of tea, but knowing that, they didn't push the issue.

    The only thing I'd wish for was more postpartum support, but that wasn't in our agreement (though they came for 1 visit a few weeks after).

  2. indi

    clementine / 984 posts

    My experience was wonderful and very similar to @birdofafeather: . Our doula was helpful and informative prior to birth. We'd met her backup doula as well, which was good since my labor was nearly 72 hours so we saw them both. However, my main doula was just amazing. She stayed up with us, she brought my husband and our nurses some food at 3am after our second night of staying up (but snuck it in to the family room and whispered to hubby so on-a-liquids-diet-only me wouldn't be sad), she helped with hip pressure when DH needed a rest, she reassured me and helped me through the long process.

    When the time finally came that I realized we'd need an epidural and a c-section, she was amazingly supportive. I was so, so sad, but she was full of support and praise and assurance. She was even able to accompany DH and I into the OR for the surgery, which was great since it allowed DH to go with LO and she stayed with me to chat and fill me in on all the great things about LO while I got stitched back up.

    The level of investment and support she offered was great, and DH says he'd recommend a doula to anyone who thinks they may like one. She did this all for FREE, too, although we're planning to send her a nice gift here shortly once she completes her nursing boards. Even though our next LO will be a RCS, we may very well seek her assistance again, more as a surgical/post-partem doula.


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