Just what the title says...
DS is just 3 months old...night sleep is getting better but he still needs help falling and staying asleep during the day.
If you facilitated your LO's naps by holding them...how many times a day would you do it? What was the outcome/fallout (in terms of better or worse nighttime sleep, fighting sleep, crankiness, etc)?
The reason I'm asking is that I really would like to get out and run some errands, but DS had a crap nap for ~25minutes after being placed (asleep) in his crib this morning (at which time I was hoping to get a nap, too!) and now is obviously tired. So...instead of pouring him into his car seat and hoping for the best, I'm now sitting on the couch holding a napping baby, probably for at least an hour...but sometimes he'll stir, nurse, and then go back to sleep for another hour!
I'm also wondering...obviously if he's in a center they won't/can't hold him for naps! If we successfully hire a nanny, is it fair game to ask her to hold baby for at least one nap per day?
And just for fun, a poll!