If you TTC'ed while breastfeeding, did you get pregnant before weaning? (multiple votes enabled for multiple pregnancies)
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If you TTC'ed while breastfeeding, did you get pregnant before weaning? (multiple votes enabled for multiple pregnancies)
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27 votes
persimmon / 1111 posts
I was nursing 3-4 times a day at 17 months when I got pregnant (wasn't TTCing, he was an oops). Nursed the whole pregnancy and stayed pregnant. My 11 month old is happy as can be.
nectarine / 2262 posts
We were sort of not trying/not preventing when I got pregnant. My son had just turned 2 but was still nursing AM and PM and at naptime - but not really the same as nursing a little baby, I guess. I weaned him when I was about 11-12 weeks pregnant. I had a history of preterm labor and was already having contractions at that point.
persimmon / 1064 posts
I got pregnant with DS2 while nursing DS1 (who was 18 months) and continued nursing him until I was 10 weeks with no issues.
I got pregnant with DS3 when DS2 was 10 months old and still nursing 7-9 times a day I continued nursing him until I was 24 weeks with no issues.
I am nursing DS3 (14 months) and am currently like 5 minutes pregnant with #4.
I think nursing affects some people’s hormones more than others!
apricot / 285 posts
My son was about 20 months when I got pregnant while still nursing. He was only nursing morning and night and occasionally before nap. I did wean him shortly after realizing I was pregnant (probably 8-10 weeks). We had trouble conceiving the first time and had just started back with the fertility clinic in hopes of conceiving #2 and they strongly recommended I wean.
persimmon / 1082 posts
I got pregnant while still nursing at night only. I stopped nursing and weaned because I started to cramp. My LO1 was 18 months.
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@bees_knees: Congrats!
@MACSUNSHINE: Interesting that the fertility clinic wanted you to wean. Was this because nursing was contradicted by fertility treatments, or because they felt it would increase the risk of loss?
@Pollywog: @MrsADS: Thanks!
I just bf morning and bedtime and really don't want to wean - LO loves it so much and I really enjoy it. We haven't had luck over the past few months, but then again we didn't at first when trying for LO either. I just hate the thought of giving up bf to try and then still not being able to get/stay pregnant
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
I got pregnant when my son was about 16 months old and nursing multiple times a day, basically on demand (usually at wake ups and before sleep). I got pregnant on the first try, and he continued to nurse throughout the pregnancy (I thought he’d stop- he did briefly for about a week but then started again). I’m now tandem nursing him at 32 months- I let him nurse once a day when he wakes up. The baby is 5 months old.
apricot / 285 posts
@periwinklebee: my first appointment with them where we were discussing the plan, I said I think I may already be pregnant but due to my age we continued the conversation. When we discussed testing and procedures etc, they were not concerned about breastfeeding. I did go back within a few days to confirm the pregnancy, to be clear the pregnancy happened with no intervention from them, and at that point they felt to reduce the risk of loss I should wean. We had been trying but not seriously since I thought due to my history and the nursing that I likely would not be able to get pregnant.
There are many women that successfully nurse throughout pregnancy, for our family we made the decision to wean. I am over 35 and I had exceeded my timeline goal of nursing so it just felt right.
apricot / 285 posts
@periwinklebee: I wish you the best, I just read your full response. It is such a tough decision, I was so heartbroken to stop nursing him but now know that it was the right decision. We were in the same position, me not really wanting to take anything away from LO1 and then the decision was sort of made once I knew I was pregnant and the recommendation was made. We hope to try for a third and LO2 is only 9 months now but I am already dreading making the decision again. You will know what is right for you and your family!
pear / 1547 posts
I had to wean to get pregnant with LO2. So the next time around we were NTNP and still BF twice a day and got pregnant the second month with LO3! Both other kids took 6-9+ mo to conceive (and charting, opks, etc) so it was a shock. I weaned one session the day I got the and then over the next month weaned the last one.
persimmon / 1101 posts
I was able to get pregnant while breastfeeding, but it took a much longer time than with LO1 (about seven months versus one). No idea if that was related to breastfeeding or not!
pear / 1547 posts
I had to wean to get pregnant with LO2. So the next time around we were NTNP and still BF twice a day and got pregnant the second month with LO3! Both other kids took 6-9+ mo to conceive (and charting, opks, etc) so it was a shock. I weaned one session the day I got the and then over the next month weaned the last one.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
I didn't vote, but I had to wean down to once a day before I could get pregnant.
kiwi / 624 posts
I was nursing morning and night and got pregnant at 13 months pp. I weaned shortly after getting pregnant though.
pomegranate / 3192 posts
I got pregnant while nursing but had an early m/c. I got pregnant the next cycle (still nursing) with a sticky baby
persimmon / 1390 posts
I was breastfeeding 2-3 times/day and got pregnant on the first try and stayed pregnant. I got pregnant the beginning of August and DD1 weaned herself around Christmas (26 months).
grapefruit / 4045 posts
I wasn't trying to get pregnant necessarily. I was still nursing and pumping, but my girl started sleeping through the night at about 8 months or so. My period came back at 10 months, and I never had one again. I was still nursing and pumping. I continued to nurse at night and morning, but dropped the pumping at my daughter's first birthday, and found out I was pregnant a few days later. I kept nursing a month and a half and only stopped because I got a really bad stomach flu. I didn't want to nurse a toddler along with the new baby because I heard the milk that comes in for the new baby is high in fat and can blow the toddler up. My girl is already in the 90% for weight, so I didn't want to do that to her. Good luck with everything!
nectarine / 2797 posts
DD was 2.5 and still nursing 2x a day when I got pregnant but had a M/C at 11w. Don’t think the BF was at all related to the MC. I got pregnant with DS the month after DD finally weaned.
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@Silva: @mamabolt: @agold: @Becky: @QBbride: @Petitduck: @Adira: @MenagerieMama: @babypugs: @MACSUNSHINE: Thank you all, it is super helpful to hear everyone's stories!
@MenagerieMama: That's awesome about LO3 - I love stories like this!
@MACSUNSHINE: Thank you so much for sharing. This exactly captures it. I really don't think I'm ready to wean now, but if I do get pregnant or if later this year we still haven't had luck, I will reconsider.
pear / 1547 posts
@periwinklebee: It was amazing! Although it actually really threw off our timeline (I wanted a bigger age gap, our state has a paid family leave program going into effect 2020, just started a new job) and spent the first few months awkwardly in denial that I was actually pregnant. The first 2 times we just tried so proactively that I wasn't prepared for a "surprise" this time. Though it really wasn't a surprise and I had my IUD removed so I felt like I couldn't be upset. But I suppose we achieved our goal of taking a low key approach which was why we pulled the IUD earlier than we actually wanted to be pregnant! And it will all work out in the end of course
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@MenagerieMama: That stinks about missing the family leave policy, ugh, this stuff should already exist But awesome that low key worked! For me the timing of the year that a birth occurs makes a fairly big difference to how things work out workwise (workload varies a lot across the year), but I've totally given up on planning, lol!
apricot / 286 posts
I got pregnant as soon as I cut down to one nursing session per day. Tried for four months while nursing 2-3 times per day and nothing happened. Once I dropped down, I got pregnant right away.
I continued to nurse throughout my entire pregnancy. My daughter was 27 months when her baby brother was born. When my milk came in she thought it was SUPER WEIRD! And she self weaned (thank goodness!) pretty quickly after that.
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@Calibee: Thank you! Before cutting cold turkey, I may try dropping a session, cutting out feed on demand on weekends, and/or shortening session length. No idea how much DS is taking, but he spends a lot of time nursing in the morning/before bed, so it may not be trivial. Helpful to know that cutting sessions without dropping altogether is helpful for some people!
And that's hilarious about your toddler being totally weirded out by newborn milk!
kiwi / 705 posts
I was still nursing a lot when I got pregnant with DS when DD was 8 months old.
cantaloupe / 6171 posts
I had a chemical pregnancy when I was nursing lo1 at 21 mos. my ob said the cp was probably a genetic abnormality, not bc of nursing. I weaned anyway bc it hurt like hell to nurse while pregnant and my supply had dropped anyway (we were only nursing at morning and night and nap anyway). Also, emotions. I took a two month break then conceived lo2 2 cycles later.
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@JCCovi: Thank you!
@nana87: Ugh, losses are so common in any case that I'm sure many losses that people attribute to nursing are in reality genetic abnormalities
grapefruit / 4361 posts
Lo1 took 10 months, a loss, and clomid+met+progesterone to concieve. I got a regular cycle back at 1 year pp after stopping pumping but still nursing 2x a day. It stayed regular for 3 more months. I stopped nursing sometime in month 15, and got pregnant that month, on our first try. Just metformin and progesterone that time.
Baby stuck. LO1 asked DAILY for milk, pulling down my top, etc. I resisted for 7 months and then caved on Christmas break and started again at 22 months / 7 months pregnant 🤗🤔
Anecdotally, in the Tandem Nursing FB group, there are a ton of moms who nurse during the entire preg. Most of the time supply really drops though.
apricot / 275 posts
I got pregnant while nursing. We were doing just morning and night, an on demand on weekends. When I got pregnant we quit the on demand weekend nursing because I was nervous about m/c. Continued for a while, but LO1 weaned herself when my milk dried up around 10 weeks. (I'm assuming due to the pregnancy, but maybe not).
persimmon / 1270 posts
I got pregnant twice while breastfeeding. First time at 9 months and second time at 22 months. My periods came back early and were regular and ovulation was clear. I am pretty sure u could have gotten pregnant early and I am glad I didn't...
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