How were you sure your baby was eating enough? Brief history for those who haven't seen my 400 breastfeeding posts: started supplementing lo at 3 weeks when we realized I had low supply. For two weeks prior she screamed all the time. As soon as we started supplementing she was much happier. I then ended up having to mostly ep+supplement for a few weeks. At 5 weeks lo had her posterior tongue tie and lip tie clipped.

She is now 7.5 weeks and the last 3 days I've breastfed her almost every meal for the first time in almost a month. Immediately she started refusing formula. When we first started supplementing I'd bf her and give her a bottle after and she wld suck it down. Now she wants nothing to do with bottles mostly. She was taking 10-15 ounces of formula in addition to my pumped milk. Tuesday she took only 4 ounces of formula on top of bf. Wednesday she took 7 ounces on top of bf. today so far she has taken no formula at all. I keep offering and she pushes the bottle out of her mouth. She seems perfectly happy.

Is it likely that my supply has just increased enough that she doesn't need formula anymore? It just seems so sudden to go from 10-15 ounces formula to 0-7 in a day. I thought it would be more gradual. I just worry she isn't eating enough!