We have found a great Montessori preschool where we plan to send LO in the fall of 2016 when she's almost 3!
The only full day option (8AM - 6PM with pick up as early as 2:30) is 5 days per week, and since I SAH there is no need for full time preschool while she is barely 3 (and no budget for it really either). So, that leaves us the choice of half days (8AM - 12PM 2, 3 or 5 days per week). We feel good about this because they do their Montessori "works" in the morning plus circle time, outdoor play and lunch, and after 12PM it is just naps & then free play until pick up, so she won't be missing much. All the kids in her classroom will also be half day so she will not be out of rhythm as far as that goes, either.
The questions I have, though, are mostly around logistics & LO's schedule:
-- They need to be in class by 8AM at the latest & right now LO doesn't wake up until about 8AM! They have lunch at 11AM, as well, while right now she has lunch about noon. So I feel like her whole schedule would have to be shifted up including bedtime. Or, if it is just 2 or 3 days per week, could we just do wake-up/lunch/nap earlier on school days only and stick to her usual schedule other days? I really don't want to have to wake up at like 6AM every day, haha.
-- Do you feel like you have any time to get anything done with LO in school for such a short time? Luckily I think DH can do drop off but I still feel like noon gets here so fast! I WAH very part time and we also think we'll have another LO at some point during the 2016/2017 school year so there is part of me that thinks an afternoon pick up would make life easier, but that's not an option.
So... lemme know what you think! Thanks!