What meds (oral or injectables) did you use?
What meds (oral or injectables) did you use?
nectarine / 2180 posts
Femera and ovidrel trigger and then progesterone suppositories after. I was also on metformin and synthroid and coq10.
apricot / 360 posts
Clomid, ovidrel trigger, and progesterone for the first two. This last one I used femara instead of clomid.
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
I did clomid, ovidrel and progesterone also. But if i had a choice i would have done femara, my re didn’t offer it and i hate how clomid makes me feel.
persimmon / 1023 posts
Gonal f and Ovidrel trigger...possibly Cetrotide to stop natural ovulation to grow more follicles but I might be confusing that with our IVF cycles.. We did IUI superovulation 3x and I believe we got 2 follicles each time.
ETA: and the damn Crinone progesterone suppositories during the 2WW as well
persimmon / 1272 posts
One cycle clomid plus trigger (i think ovidrel)
Three cycles follistim plus ovidrel trigger
eggplant / 11861 posts
Clomid 25mg days 3-7
Monitired with u/s for ovulation
Ovidrel trigger
IUI 24 and 36 hrs after trigger
apricot / 302 posts
This is my first IUI cycle!
2.5mg letrozole CD 4-8
Ovidrel trigger
IUIs 24 and 36 hrs after trigger
progesterone suppositories
nectarine / 2431 posts
@MrsKRB: @Caly: @Mrs Lavender: @FaithFertility: @meadow: @muffinsmuffins: @bhbee: @PeaceLily: @snarkybiochemist: @erinbaderin: I should have asked this in the original post but what was/is your infertility diagnosis? Did I IUI work for you?
apricot / 302 posts
@crazydoglady: This is my first IUI and medicated cycle. I'll know around 1/19 if it worked! I was diagnosed with PCOS. Due to high AMH 10.3 and high antral follicle count, 35+ combined. All other labs are normal. I do ovulate on my own but my cycles are irregular and I have a LPD. We are also dealing with some MF, 4% morph, B motility, count is normal.
@crazydoglady: Do you have a diagnosis?
persimmon / 1023 posts
@crazydoglady: we are a same sex couple and our testing revealed no issues so we don't technically have a diagnosis.
That being said, we did 6 unmedicated IUIS, 1 medicated which were unsuccessful and ultimately were successful on our first IVF with our son who is 3yo. We did 2 medicated IUIS this year and just finished our second IVF for #2 and got a positive FRER last weekend so cautiously pregnant!
Personally, I think our IUIS never worked because donor sperm has a shorter lifespan (according to the interwebs) so I think our timing was always just a bit off. It seemed such a narrow window even though quality was always excellent, our test results were great, and our RE was always confident. This is just my personal thought though.
pomegranate / 3231 posts
Round 1: Clomid + IUI --> negative result
Round 2: Clomid with no IUI (schedule conflict) --> pregnancy + miscarriage
Round 3: Clomid + IUI + Ovidrel --> negative
Round 4: Clomid with no IUI due to only one follicle --> negative
Round 5: Clomid + IUI + Ovidrel --> current 8w pregnancy with identical twins
I feel tired just reading that, and we didn't even try IVF!
ETA: I also took progesterone most of the time, maybe not the first round? I don't remember exactly. And to answer your question above, I have unexplained infertility and suspect I just have stale eggs due to my age (39 when this started, 40 now).
eggplant / 11861 posts
@crazydoglady: Unexplained IF, TTC our 1st for almost 2.5 yrs
IUI #1 got PG but had chemical days later
IuI #2 got PG again but lost the pregnancy a week later @ 5weeks
IUI #3 didnt take
We then decided to test why we lost 2 and did blood work for preperation for IVF
I also was tested for a bacteria called urea plasma which can cause inflamtion in uterus which I was positive for started 10 days of antibiotics also found out I am.a carrier of MTHFR gene mutation started baby asprin
During that month we also took a break from meds and IUI I actually concieved our now 3yr old DD on a cruise that month!!!!! Crazy! Then when she was 14 months old we got PG with my son NTNP, he is now 1!!!
pomegranate / 3438 posts
@crazydoglady: I have PCOS and don’t have a cycle at all. For our first son we did two IUI cycles with follistim and ovidrel, progesterone support after. For our second son we were at a different office and had a slightly different protocol. We did two IUI cycles with femara, follistim and ovidrel with progesterone support after.
nectarine / 2809 posts
@crazydoglady: I have had two IUIs, both successful! My daughter is now almost 3 and second daughter is due Feb 27th. I used injectable Menopur both times along with a trigger shot.
nectarine / 2809 posts
I’m AMA (35 when I got pregnant with first and 38 this time). Also have low AMH (.61, I think) and pretty low antral follicle count (I think 7 total). What is your diagnosis?
clementine / 901 posts
Our successful cycle we did 25 mg of clomid and triggered with pregnyl. Had 3 possibly 4 follicles and got pregnant with twin boys. They will be six weeks Monday
nectarine / 2431 posts
@Mrs Lavender: I actually don't know...I haven't done all my testing yet. DH has his SA next week and the rest of my bloodwork is next week. I do have a 2.5 year old and got pregnant two other times before him (but ended in miscarriage.)
I hope you get wonderful news very very soon!!
persimmon / 1272 posts
@crazydoglady: our IUIs did not work - we were "unexplained". We got pregnant on our first round of IVF. I personally believe that we both had "satisfactory" embryo/sperm.... but for some reason they just couldn't "get together" properly in my uterus. When we did IVF we did ICSI and assisted hatching and my gut says that is what did it. Wishing you all the best with your cycle!
@ElbieKay: Congrats on your twins! The world of twins is amazing. I can't imagine having a singleton. At 1.5 years old my kiddos make my heart melt nearly daily with the amazing things they do for each other. Get ready for it!! (Sorry for threadjacking!)
pomegranate / 3231 posts
@meadow: thanks! We only found out 3.5 days ago so I am still sort of reeling from the news. (They missed the second baby at the 6w ultrasound.)
I have no idea how I will manage two newborns while helping my preschooler adjust. And I am worried about TTTS and c-section risk and potential NICU time. But I am pretty excited otherwise! Two! Identical! Babies!
nectarine / 2431 posts
@muffinsmuffins: Congratulations!!!!
@ElbieKay: Congratulations!! Wow! Twins! My husband is nervous about multiples but I am more scared about not trying at all. It's interesting to see that so many have used clomid. I've been using femara for 3 months with no luck.
@FaithFertility: That's amazing!
@CatchAFallingStar: Congratulations! I am glad to hear that your IUIs were so successful! We are in the middle of testing, so no diagnosis yet. I do have a 2.5 year old though.
@MrsTal: That's amazing! Congratulations!
@meadow: So glad to hear you ended up with twins!
pomegranate / 3231 posts
@crazydoglady: thanks! And they are identical which means that a single egg split. So they are not even caused by the fact that I used Clomid to produce multiple eggs.
nectarine / 2180 posts
@crazydoglady: PCOS and hypothyroid 1st iui worked and I'm nursing my 7 week old now
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
Diminished ovarian reserve, clomid and ovidrel, and then progesterone. Iui didn’t work but the same protocol without the iui ended up working the next cycle (timed intercourse)
clementine / 794 posts
Ours is a MFI, we did 3 IUIs, all failed. I did 2.5 mg femera with no trigger for all 3 IUIs. We are moving on to IVF as soon as my next cycle starts!
persimmon / 1345 posts
I did take clomid and femara but they did not grow the follicles enough for the doctor to feel comfortable with letting me trigger.
I ended up doing gonal f, monitoring, and then trigger with two IUI's back to back. Thankfully, worked the first time and my son is now a crazy almost 2 year old.
apricot / 360 posts
@crazydoglady: We are hitting the year mark right now of trying since a tx for medical reasons last year at 19.5 weeks, so if we aren't successful this cycle our official diagnosis will be unexplained.
Our first 2 IUIs didn't work and we are currently waiting to see if the 3rd did.
Best of luck with your IUI!
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