Dan works for our state's department of transportation. He works in an office that makes sure everything on the roadways is safe, which is awesome, but it means he works year-round. The office obviously can't close for weekends or holidays. He just got a promotion (yay!), but it changed his off days (boo!).

Now he will have to work on Sadie's first Christmas. I know we're blessed that he even has a job at Christmas, but I am still so bummed. If you know me, you know I'm a lunatic about Christmas - I mean, I LOVE it. I've been especially excited about this year now that I'm a mama. I've cried a few times since he told me, but I try to hide it from Dan, because I don't want him to feel guilty.

I don't know why I'm sharing, other than some sympathy. I'm just so sad.