Bizarre title for a post, but it is true!

Last December our PT moved to Colorado and I cried for days over it. She was just so good with our LO and very professional. Our new PT is great, a little different but great. It was an adjustment but all is well now. Still, at the time it was very emotional for me and that surprised me, because I have no experience with getting emotional over a professional relationship.

Next week is older DS's pre-k graduation and I am just dreading it. I am really excited about the school he is moving to, but the idea of leaving this school is totally painful to me. Leaving those relationships is hard.

On the other hand, I was so tired on Mother's Day from doing obligatory annual church visit/dinner with my husband's parents that I actually had DH and my older DS do the calls to all the women on my side of the family while I put younger LO to bed. I was just too tired to talk to anyone. I still feel guilty about it, but of all the things my DH did for me on Mother's Day, that is the one that was the biggest help to me.

I think it says something about society that we can have better relationship with paid help than with our extended family! I know these people had a strictly professional relationship with my kids, but I was just so impressed with their professionalism. Meanwhile I feel like I'm constantly trying to maintain my extended family and maintain boundaries, etc. Extended family feels like work!

Is this crazy?