Since my husband and I met in college, two things were pretty set in stone: 1) He is much more career driven and focused than I am. 2) I want to be able to stay home with my future kids, at least part-time.

To both of us, this was a pretty good recipe. He'd pursue career advancement to the point that he could reasonably support our family, and I would step back from my career to be a SAHM for a few years. I would definitely like to keep up in my field while staying home, and earn some income doing it, but we have both always said that I won't work a full-time or traditional job while our kids are little.

Now I am getting nervous that isn't going to work out. We've only been married not even two years, and my husband and I are only 24 and 25. On our "baby timeline," we still have another two years (at least) before we TTC. But we talk and think about a family so much... and I keep thinking, "How is what we want really possible?"

Right now, he makes about 30% more money than I do, but he still doesn't make enough to support the two of us, at all. A couple years ago, there were a few different options we thought he could pursue in order to get his salary up in the range we'd need for me to be able to stay home. But now, we both know that most of those are not feasible, mostly because they wouldn't make him happy. I know that most 25 year olds don't know what they want to do with their lives, so I don't put pressure on him. I want him to find what he loves. But the reality is, that may not be a 6 figure job, or anything close to it. And if that's the case, I am going to have to work, or we are going to have to live an extremely frugal lifestyle.

I guess I don't know why I am posting this. Maybe to hear that it will work out... that in 2 years its totally possible for him to drastically increase his income? Or that having to work won't be so bad? Or that we should wait until our 30s to have kids? (I really don't want to hear that one but I've considered it.) Anyway, some advice would be appreciated.