I had 2 week follow-up appt. with my OB, but my doc was running 1 hr behind, so I felt like she just checked to make sure I was healing nicely after L&D and went over very quickly some things about post-pregnancy recovery, but I still feel like I don't have all the info.

This is what she told me....am I missing any other impt info?

1. No sex or certain exercises (crunches, jogging, and swimming) for 6 wks
2. If we do have sex, use a condom and lube
3. Keep taking stool softener for 2 mos
4. I can start pumping now since it looks like my milk is well established
5. Keep taking prenatal vitamins
6. No dietary restrictions
7. Apply Mederma on my stretch marks

Then I have another appt. to see her in 2 mos.

But...she didn't tell me about how long I should expect to bleed? When I would be getting my period? We really didn't talk about contraceptives other than condoms.