Is it just me or does your partner think taking care of the baby basically means watch TV with her in his lap or putting her in the swing or chair? When baby doesn't sleep any if those ways he thinks "she wont sleep. Oh well she must be hungry." I keep telling him his sports on TV and just sitting there don't cut it, but I always end up taking the baby to a quieter room and some light bouncing and cuddling usually works if she's tired or we do something like read or play on the activity mat. DH just doesn't really do anything that requires him to peel his eyes off the RV when he's home. *I'm slightly peeved bc I was so tired and handed baby to him after I fed her so I could get a nap. But she kept fussy and I could hear. She was up for 3 hours and he never got her to sleep for even 5 min. No doubt the Basketball game was too over stimulating! I finally nursed her to sleep really quickly and now just have her sleeping on top of the boppy. DH manages to watch TV and lay on the sofa and sleep all the time when he is home. To be fair he works really late on weekdays, but his style of watching baby is just so TV- focused. When either of the grandmas help watch baby it's the same way! Is it just me? Is this really how most people spend time and watch their infants? I don't think it's okay with me for that to be the norm, but then I'm always the one to be actively watching her.