Everyone is always saying that America is heading downhill, and I agree that there are disturbing trends (rising income inequality, high unemployment, soaring obesity rates, entitled youth, etc.).

But there are so many things improving in society! Here's a partial list:

* Entrepreneurship is easier than ever, and more and more people are starting companies.
* Technology is crazy amazing these days. When I was in college, people would break up when they lived far apart. Now with Skype, you can live on the other side of the world no problem.
* Blogs are pretty awesome
* It seems like more and more moms are able to work from home with telecommuting.
* Artisinal food and crafts are on the rise, as are almost all handmade goods.
* Men are much more involved with childrearing.
* Biking and alternative transportation is more encouraged than ever.
* Beekeeping is on the rise. I mean, come on... how awesome is that.
* Tolerance for race and sexual orientation is higher than ever.
* Organic and local food is more available than ever.
* The availability of good and yet affordable wine is better than ever.

Enough with the naysaying... what are some of the good trends in society these days?